Two Sure Signs Of Spring

The sun is out, and it is already 12C. But I saw two other signs that confirm Spring has undeniably sprung.

Ollie is moulting. When I let him out this morning, the kitchen floor looked like that of a barber’s shop, after the barber had just completed a haircut.

Then as I waited for the kettle to boil, I saw a colourful fluttering around the bird box that is fixed to the oak tree in the back garden.

The Blue Tits are back, and taking nest materials into the wooden box through the small hole at the front.

This is an old photo that I took a couple of years ago, but it’s the same nest box.

I wonder if it could be the same pair of birds?

I hope so.

64 thoughts on “Two Sure Signs Of Spring

    1. Yes. I put Ollie’s fur, and the fluff from the tumble drier, onto the ground below the nest. It will be something soft for the blue tits to use, Cindy. ๐Ÿ™‚
      (I am wearing shorts today!)
      Best wishes, Pete. x


  1. It is a good feeling to think that it might be the same pair. Your photo and thoughts triggered a bird memory from my youth. We used to have a purple martin house (Purple martins look like swallows if you have those across the pond.) The house was one of those types that have six holes (separate holes for living quarters.) I think there may be six on the other side, too, so theoretically, it is like an apartment complex for twelve. Martens migrate each year, hundreds-thousands of miles. It was such a delight when they returned. One year they came back, and we were getting ready to move. My dad had taken their house down. (The house sits upon a tall pole, similar to a fence post.) They still remembered where the house had been and cruised around in the air where it had once been. It was one of the most remarkable things I ever saw.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. We have swallows here, and house martins too. Some house martins roost in the roof of the house opposite. I felt sad that your dad had taken their house away when you were moving. I hope they found somewhere else to live. If I ever move, which is highly unlikely, I will leave the box on the oak tree.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  2. I don’t know what the ambient temperature outside is today but, although it has been bright sunshine since first thing, there is still a cool edge to the breeze; the sunshine is glorious though, and very welcome. Also most welcome are all the small flowers that have appeared, almost overnight: snowdrops, primroses, crocuses in different colours, even miniature daffodils & buttercups! The wallflowers aren’t far off too: marvellous! Cheers, Jon.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. They have used it since the Spring of 2012. I put it up not long after I moved here in March, and was surprised that they used it almost immediately, in fact the following day. They haven’t missed a year yet. ๐Ÿ™‚
      Best wishes, Pete. x

      Liked by 2 people

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