Thinking Aloud On A Sunday

Clocks forward.

We had our summertime clock change at 02:00.

So when I woke up when it as still dark at 6am, it was actually 7am.

That still felt to early and dark to get up, so I managed to get back to sleep.

I must have needed that sleep, as I didn’t wake up again until 9:45am.

Which of course was now 10:45am. Confused? I was.

It all reminded me of this old song, from 1969.

72 thoughts on “Thinking Aloud On A Sunday

  1. Reading that quote reminds how glad I am that I am married to a man from my generation. We have a whole slew of lines like that. “You don’t need a weatherman,” “you don’t know what’s happening do you Mister Jones” and so on.

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  2. They talked about changing it officially everywhere again, or rather, stopping changing it, but I’m not sure they’d decided which one was going to be adopted.
    Sunday is usually the only day of the week when I don’t try to get up early, so I’m not that concerned, but it is confusing for a while. My mother’s strategy is to change the clocks that need changing the night before. The problem is that she goes to be very early, so I spend the rest of the evening not quite sure of what the time is.
    I’m sure the sleep will do you good, but you’ll forget about it quickly.
    Stay well, Pete.


  3. Great post ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you for linking to that youtube video link of that Chicago song “Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is” – one of my many faves ๐Ÿ™‚ Anyway, keep up the great work as always ๐Ÿ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Washington state voted a while back to stay on daylight savings year-round rather than falling back; but apparently it takes an act of Congress to approve so I’m not holding my breath. Love the song! ๐Ÿ™‚

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      1. But let’s not go to the Navajo Reservation there: they do participate in that nonsense of a time change. On a short round trip there in 2019 we were totally confused: New Mexico time different from Arizona time, an Navajo time [in Arizona] different again. We should have brought a sundial. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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  5. (1) I liked the biorhythms in that Chicago melody. My foot kept time to them.
    (2) I don’t care what time it is in Chicago. I live in a different time zone.
    (3) In Chicago, when you ask “What time is it?” you’re just lucky to have survived another day. Maybe it’s time to move to a less violent city?
    (4) October 8, 2021 will mark the 150th anniversary of the Great Chicago Fire. Maybe it would be a good time for a stampede of bovine firestarters?
    (5) By the way, Catherine O’Leary’s barn was located at 137 DeKoven Street. I wonder if Catherine woke up every morning at 1:37 (as opposed to 3:17). They say the fire haunted her for years, perhaps in the form of a four-legged, cud-chewing ghost.

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  6. I wish they’d stop this unnecessary time change too. There is simply no point any more. Farmers around here are out and about at all times of the day and night with their bright lights. Same with long summer holidays, kids don’t have to go and work on the farms now to bring the harvest in. It would be much more sensible to have shorter holidays spread throughout the year and keep to one time.

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      1. Pete, I am a big fan of the band – before they changed in the late 70’s and chased pop music fame…the first 7 albums were a great mix of catchy hits, protest songs and freeform jazz….

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  7. When you said 1890, it makes sense to me now. Because in those days, there weren’t any household clocks. The only way to tell time was through the lone bell tower in the middle of the village/town. We have one of those in my hometown Kanpur (Caunpore). So, it must have been easier for the ruling authorities to just turn the clock behind in the middle of the night rather than urge everyone to change their lifestyle. ๐Ÿ˜

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    1. When the majority of the country was involved in some form of agricltural production, it was a way for farmers and field workers to get longer outside in the early evening. Now they have many imported foods, computerised tractors and harvesters with lights, and livestock animals are kept inside in illuminated barns. Yet this archaic practice lingers on, for no good reason.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  8. I don`t like the changing time. Why does the European Parliament can not make a decision? Most of the people want to stop it. So sad.

    I wish you will have a nice Sunday and that you will quickly get used to the time change.
    Best wishes, Irene

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    1. They come up with all sorts of reasons, Shaily. Farmers being able to work later, school kids having to go to school in the dark. It might have all made sense in 1890, but it’s pointless now.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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