The Return Of Brave Cat!

In 2019, I posted about Ollie’s encounters with some of the feline residents of Beetley. If you never saw that, here’s a link.

Ollie and The Yellow Cat

Since writing that post, ‘Hiding Cat’ has gone. I don’t think it was anything medical or sinister, just that the family sold the bungalow and moved away.

‘Yellow Cat’ is still very much around, usually running to hide under any conveniently parked car when he spots Ollie coming. In the absence of any cars, he climbs whatever fence is handy. Bulky Tortoiseshell from the house directly behind seems to have met his maker. The same family still live there, but there has been no sign of the large cat for almost two years now.

‘Alfie Cat’, who I call ‘Alfredo’, still lives next door, and he comes to see Ollie frequently, enjoying a belly rub from me into the bargain. If our door is open, he will even wander in and have a look around.

But not long after writing that post, ‘Brave Cat’, the cat who knows no fear, seemed to have disappeared. Though Ollie habitually checked the hedge up the road where BC used to lurk, there was never a sign of him.

Until today.

Walking back with Ollie this afternoon, he hesitated at the hedge, as he always does. After a tentaive sniff of the foliage, he began to move.

Then BAM! Brave cat appeared, running down the the short driveway to his house, rearing up at Ollie’s face with front paws raised like a prize-fighter. Just as well Ollie was on his lead by then, as he retreated so fast, he might have ended up in the road otherwise.

I have to say, I do admire that cat. It has guts, no denying that.

42 thoughts on “The Return Of Brave Cat!

  1. I am going to check the original post, Pete, as I missed it. Dog/cat relationships seem to come in all shapes and forms, but as you point out, it might be down to the individuals involved as well. Now there will be something (someone) to keep Ollie on his toes again! Send him my regards and take care.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Cats are my bane…..when MoMo goes for her walk there seems to be a cat at every turn and she being a hunter wants to go after them……Good luck to Ollie…..Sue loves your new series….sorry still cannot like your post …..chuq

    Liked by 1 person

  3. My dogs go ballistic when they see a cat. One day Dot was sure there was a cat under a car, but it was just an old soccer ball. Silly girl. My daughter has a dog and a cat and they live together harmoniously. Poor Ollie. Hope he got over his fright.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. He is genuinely scared of that cat, Darlene. He is friendly with Alfie, but will still chase him if he runs. Must be the hunting instinct kicking in. Brave Cat knows not to run!
      Best wishes, Pete.


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