Birthday Boy: Ten Today!

One of the earliest photos of Ollie, taken in 2012. He is smaller than his stuffed gorilla.

When we got him then, I had no idea what a huge part of my life he would become. During that time, he has gained popularity on my blog, and we have hardly been separated. He has suffered from various medical conditions, undergone numerous operations, and has always remained devoted and loyal to me, whatever happened.

You could not imagine a better-behaved dog, especialy one who has had no training whatsoever. He just knows how to to do things, and doesn’t need to be told. Since he was a tiny wrinkled pup, he has stuck by my side at all times.

He loves to go out in the car with me, and his daily walks are a joy for both of us, despite the often heavy rain. He has kept me fit, and become my best friend into the bargain.

For his special birthday today, he has a dinner of beef sausages, and two new stuffed toys. Both are types he has never had before. A Penguin, and a Walrus.


92 thoughts on “Birthday Boy: Ten Today!

    1. Being with Ollie saved me at a black time, back in 2012. He gave me so many reasons to continue on, and our bond was secured for life.
      (He was 11 today. This is last year’s post.)
      Best wishes, dear Pippa.
      Pete, xx

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    1. Thank you, Miss Jeanne. Winston Walrus and Pedro Penguin are my new favourite toys. I am sure Cinnamon would have enjoyed them too. I ate my birthday dinner so quickly, I have already forgotten what is was.
      Tail wags for you. (( ))

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    1. The walrus likes going to the river, but the penguin is a bit smelly. As for the gorilla, he broke out years ago. I think he was heading for New York, he had a thing about tall buildings… 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  1. What a lovely post and great tribute to your beloved friend, Pete. Happy birthday, dear Ollie! I’m sure you have had another memorable day with Pete and Julie. Cheers to you all, and to many mores to come.
    Best wishes,
    The Fab Four
    Xx Xx Xx Xx

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    1. I couldn’t have a dog for 33 years, because of working shifts and moving house frequently. But once I got Ollie, I immediately knew it just the best thing ever.
      Best wishes, Pete.


  2. Happy Birthday, Ollie!! I know he will have the best day! I wonder if he realizes how popular he is on your blog with fans all over the world. He is one lucky pup as are you a lucky guy to have him in your life.

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  3. Those stuffed toys wouldn’t last long with Smidgeon and Ruff, I’m afraid (nor Staffie Pickle when she was still with us). first they’d have to ‘kill’ the squeak, and then eviscerate. I buy them flat ‘roadkill’ toys now to reduce the amount of stuffing I have to clear up. They have a great time playing tug-of-war with them. Happy birthday, Ollie and many more of them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Cathy. Ollie rarely rips up or destroys his toys. He still has some from his first birthday! A few are missing ears or a nose, but we recycle the ones in his toy box on a regular basis. When they have been in the washing machine, he doesn’t recognise them, so thinks they are new. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. If only I could say of our Rosie…a puppy of just 7 months…’You could not imagine a better-behaved dog’. I’d pay a king’s ransom. Having said that, like you, she keeps us fit. She’s been timed at 35 mph and loves being chased by one an all of the canine society. Maybe one day she’ll be an Ollie.

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