A Cheerful Start To The Week: NOT!

I have just seen this story on The Times newspaper website.

Russian state media threatens UK with ‘nuclear tsunami’
In his Sunday evening primetime show, the Channel One anchor Dmitry Kiselyov said a strike by Russia’s Poseidon nuclear underwater drone could turn Britain into a wasteland by drowning the country in a 500-metre tidal wave of radioactive seawater.

“The explosion of this thermonuclear torpedo by Britain’s coastline will cause a gigantic tsunami wave. Having passed over the British Isles, it will turn whatever might be left of them into a radioactive wasteland”.

This is the monster undersea bomb they are talking about using.

Apparently, this is because Boris Johnson and Liz Truss were both asserting that Russia should be ‘completely driven out of Ukraine’, including The Crimea.

Given the size of the device, it seems like the Republic of Ireland will suffer the same fate.

And I never did learn to swim…

72 thoughts on “A Cheerful Start To The Week: NOT!

      1. Maybe but I doubt that really gives much comfort. Nuclear war wpuld annihilate the entire species. Our own individual mortality hardly relieves me of that overriding threat. In any case i guess we just have to muddle on. Best wishes Pete..

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  1. I missed this one Pete, not sure I wanted to know! It’s hard to believe we are still acting like toddlers fighting over a toy but now we have nuclear weapons at our disposal! Depressing! Hugs, C

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  2. Jeez whatever happens will happen and I have enough to worry about than an old man who could push a button…maybe cancer will get him first but then who do we get sometimes it’s better the devil you know x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t really worry about it, Carol. I am just amazed at the way they keep inventing more things to kill people when there are already enough nuclear bombs to destroy the planet.
      Best wishes, Pete. x


  3. There’s a very bad game going on right now. Please don’t be angry with me, but I don’t think Putin has imperial thoughts. But Germany had ripped off Russia through Gorbachev. Of course, it would not be correct to extend NATO to the borders of Russia. The USA would not put up with something like that either. xx Michael

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  4. as an American, we are constantly at the receiving end of insane threats. I don’t think that Putin is suicidal, so I don’t see the nuclear threat is one we need to consider at this point (I hope)

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    1. I feel much the same, Beth. I was just amazed that they would bother to invent an underwater ‘Tsunami Bomb’, as if what they have already wouldn’t be destructive enough.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  5. sad to say folks that WW3 is inevitable and will be nuclear. With social media & journalists who don’t mind their ‘loose lips sinking ships’ – it will be insults via these platforms that will offend the big bear enough to growl.
    Ukraine is only stage 1, the other dominoes will fall, and the bear will wander into natoland for food.
    The difference in mindsets is that we basically care about our fellows whereas bears are happy to eat each other.
    The alternative is to hope the ringmaster of the dancing bears takes up the trapeze act. In the meantime the circus clown Boris

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  6. Maybe it’s just me… but being an American maybe we are used to these kinds of threats.. from terrorists with Jihads, North Korea, China’s rhetoric, Putin’s blathering… seems like a day without someone threatening the total annihilation of America is like a day without sunshine. The day Britain, or anyone anywhere else for that matter, gets a nuclear tsunami is pretty much the end of the world with the universal retaliation anyway. I’d not worry to much about it.

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      1. But yet, Pete.. as you have been an EMT it would be a good thing to include you into my survival group because then we would be assured medical attention while that nasty “tribe” three blocks away that tries to take our dogs and cats for food can just choke on the bones and die. 🙂 I got this all planned out..

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  7. This entire war, and all aggression around the world, has the potential to destroyer our planet and all of us pointlessly…we’ve seen Dictators try it in the past and sadly, will continue to see it in the future…sickening

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  8. The most worrying thing about it is that it is those in power that will survive and then become the gene pool for the next inhuman race! Mind you they are all old white men, good luck with that 🙂

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  9. Worryingly, all Governments do not seem to be handling this responsibly. We need a ‘fix’ and soon – even if it involves distasteful compromises all round. The news media are also just trying to shock us and keep us reading their sponsored ads etc. I’ve given up on most news feeds and surprisingly for me, I’ve started reading the Guardian.

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    1. I rarely trust any news media, Paul. This just appeared on my Twitter feed, and I was annoyed that it had not been reported on BBC News 24. I do watch the news, but usually take it all with a pinch of salt.
      Best wishes, Pete.


    2. I’m sorry to say it but Ukraine needs to surrender now as it is clear Russia is not going to stop until they are all dead and this is putting the whole word at serious risk of nuclear destruction. In the future they would be able to become an independent country once again. Are millions of lives worth this fight? I think not.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I think more people are inclined to your view. Also, I don’t understand why Russia would want to ‘take over’ a country whose infrastructure they have destroyed. What’s left of Ukraine will be a liability for Russia. Also, this will create bad feeling and insurgency for many years.

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  10. I’ve given up watching the news channel, far too depressingly familiar. I guess we just have to enjoy every day that we have, no nuclear bunkers for the likes of us.

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  11. “And I never did learn to swim…”

    Not an issue. You should be concerned that you never learned to fly at this point 🙄 Pete.

    Sigh. It’s all in the plan. Fear, . . . and division Then more fear, followed by. . . more division.

    When will people (sedate frogs most of us, sitting in our metaphoric, comfortable little ‘pots’) wake up and jump out of our pots and collectively declare ENOUGH!!!



    Liked by 1 person

    1. Those kind of threats might wake people up, if they bother to read them of course.
      After all, there is Netflix binge-watching to do! 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.


      1. Exactly Pete “Binge watching” while slowly, ever, ever so slowly their freedoms and quality of life are disolving away, whilst being boiled to death in their cosy little pots. 😒

        “Carry on then. . . Nothing to see, Clear away. Oh, don’t forget to swing by Tesco to grab a few pints, and an extra large ‘Saver’ size bag of chips on the way back to your hovels. Now you lot, op it”!

        Just my ‘3’¢ … Adjusted for Inflation 😡

        All the Best,


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  12. It appears to me that too many people are taking the prospect of a nuclear disaster much too lightly. There is a real danger and there is a real need for governments to start preparing their citizens for what might turn out to be a dreadful inevitability. Citizens need to be demanding their governments take solid measures to protect them in case of a horrible nuclear attack. We need to resurrect the civil defense and get them trained and ready. I think we are ll headed for a Pearl Harbor moment as the West keeps increasing their provocations against the Red Bear.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Time to learn one of the following five swimming techniques: freestyle stroke, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly stroke, or sidestroke. If you can do that, you’ll radiate confidence in your future!

    Liked by 1 person

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