Life’s Golden Rules

If you cannot find your reading glasses, they are usually on top of your head.

Just as you get into a nice warm bath, someone will ring the doorbell.

The keys you have been looking everywhere for are still hanging in the front door.

After waiting in for a parcel delivery, as soon as you have to go out, it will arrive. You come home to find a card that says “Sorry we missed you”.

If the sign on a multi-story car park says ‘Spaces Available’, you will drive around every level to discover that some people have parked across two spaces. So you have to drive out again, and find somewhere else to park.

If you are talking to someone on your landline telephone, somebody else will ring your mobile because your phone is engaged.





68 thoughts on “Life’s Golden Rules

  1. I would like to add a few more rules. The second you are on the top of the stairs, someone will ring the doorbell. The moment you sit down to pray is the moment your milkman will arrive. Your client call is always interrupted by you child going to potty. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I don’t wear my glasses on top of my head, but I’ve been known to look for them and be wearing them. All the rest apply as well, Pete, so a pretty good set of rules to remember.

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  3. Bahaha ~ this one made me laugh out loud, “After waiting in for a parcel delivery, as soon as you have to go out, it will arrive. You come home to find a card that says “Sorry we missed you”.” Oh my, we are all different but much the same! Hugs, C

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    1. Capt Edward Aloysius Murphy (1918 – 1990) was an American aerospace engineer who worked on safety systems who would often state “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong”. Expressions move fast in pilot circles and from the USAF to the RAF etc.
      So nothing to do with the Irish at all. But as no one knew where the expression came from, Murphy is an Irish name. There was anti Irish sentiment in the UK so they referred to it as Sods law, as potatoes (Murphy) grow in the sod.

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  4. Back when telephones were a fixed item, it never failed that you closed the front door and the phone rang, so you scrabbled to go back in and answer it just as the caller rang off, or if you managed to get the call it was a wrong number. There are so many of these!

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  5. We waited in for two days for an important phone call (for some reason they only had our landlines number) only to get a panicked message from someone else to say that they had called as soon as we went out

    Liked by 2 people

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