Staying Hydrated

With yesterday’s hottest-ever temperature in Britain, I took the government advice, and stayed hydrated.

In fact, I think I consumed more liquid in one day than I ever have in the past. I tallied up my intake.

Tea. 6 large half-pint cups
Water. 1.5 litres. (2.6 pints)
Milk. 2 litres. (3.5 pints)
Red wine. 1 large 300ml glass. (Half a pint)

Today we are back down to a maximum of 32C. (Almost 90F)
It still feels very hot, made worse by a strong breeze blowing HOT air.

But so far I have only had 4 cups of tea…

56 thoughts on “Staying Hydrated

  1. Staying hydrated – that’s what my wife has been drumming into me ever since I moved to Texas, and what I still hve difficulties with because I’ve never bee able to drink much when I’m not thirsty. I remeber bike rides of up to 40 miles in the brutal Texas heat of around 40 degrees. I always had a water back pack with me, and sipped some, but usually came back 3 to 4 pouns kess in weight – all of it from loss of body fluid. I did fill up later, though.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My wife drinks a lot of water because she is Diabetic. But I rarely drink any, except in tea. Earlier this week it was so hot, I would have drunk water from the river! πŸ™‚
      Best wishes, Pete.


  2. the photo of the copper feeding the water bottle to the guard has gone viral here.
    I don’t recommend wine in the heat Pete, its a dehydrator.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Many years ago, I read an article that said milk was better for hydration than water, and the effect lasted longer. So thanks for confirming it is okay for me to drink it, FR.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Dehydration can sneak up on you and if you are not familiar with it you can become quite unwell. I do not drink nearly enough normally but when the weather is really hot I do my best. I remember being told hot tea was the best thing in hot weather, presumably because it makes you sweat. In Sudan we were fed gallons of it but when we came upon a town that bizarrely sold hard cider…we couldn’t get enough!!

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  4. That’s a lot of milk! [as stated by most of your other correspondents πŸ˜‰ ] I like milk, but rarely drink it solo: mostly on cereals & in tea/coffee, but if you like it: go for it! Luckily, it was cooler here than the maximum, but I still needed a fan to cool me for my siesta. It actually got up to 24.5Β° in my kitchen! That’s a record for this house, although it was probably at least 10Β° hotter at the top of the house. Cheers, Jon.

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