Fingers And Toes Crossed

I am just back from Fakenham, and have taken the second visual fields test required by the DVLA. According to the technician, I got a ‘perfect score’. She also told me that due to ‘administrative errors’ at the DVLA, I am one of many who have been required to re-take this test.

(Perhaps it was not personal after all.)

Despite the perfect score, it is still up to the DVLA whether or not they issue my renewed licence. And according to the optician, they have a backlog of ‘many months’ still outstanding.

So it is ‘wait and see time’. (No pun intended.)

75 thoughts on “Fingers And Toes Crossed

    1. Apparently, there are thousands of us 70 year-olds in the same situation, Robbie. The optician told me she has been seeing dozens of people every month, just in one small area of Norfolk.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I hope that you will finally win this battle and receive your driving license again. You have had to go through literal Hell, haven’t youi? I think the way you have been treated is egregious.

    Liked by 1 person

        1. Whatever they do now, I will keep on driving until I hear otherwise. I refuse to be trapped in Beetley by their incompetence, Theo. Especially now I know I have passed the test for the second time.
          Best wishes, Pete.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. The DVL are like a reindeer – they have no eye dear.
    They probably have as many Labradors up there as workers.
    You might have to take the (white) stick to them Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I understand they are currently in a dispute over pay. I always thought that you had to actually do your job to get paid for it. Perhaps if they had been doing anything for the last two years they might have got a pay rise.
      Best wishes, Pete.


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