The Last Sunday Musings In August

Feeling quite positive this week, so no moans for a change.


After another burst of ‘big heat’, heavy storms broke the humidity and made life more pleasant, especially for Ollie.


Despite not starting a new fiction serial on my blog, I have been enjoying finding old photos online and compiling them into nostalgia posts on my blog. And they seem to be popular with readers too.


Ollie got his bath and claw trim, and feels sleek for the first time in a long while. The groomer said his skin was in good condition, so that made me happy.


Next week, we will begin preparing for our holiday on Monday week. Sorting out clothes, making lists of things we must not forget to take in the car, and charging up electronic devices like cameras, tablet, and phones. Julie was tempted to look at the long-range weather forecast for where we are going, and it currently predicts one day of rain on the Tuesday. One out of seven won’t be that bad, if they got it right of course.


Tomorrow is a public holiday in England, August Bank Holiday Monday. But it will just be ‘Monday’ for us, as going anywhere near the coast or to places open to the public will be sure to be jam-packed with visitors. As the shops are open until 4pm, I will probably do my usual supermarket ‘big shop’ for the week. Not very exciting, but then I have a holiday to anticipate!


Wherever you are, and whatever you are doing, I hope you have a peaceful Sunday.


39 thoughts on “The Last Sunday Musings In August

  1. (1) “Feeling quite positive this week, so no moans for a change.” Said no brothel worker ever.
    (2) Mother Nature has turned up the heat again here in Las Vegas. She must be cold- natured.
    (3) Looking at old photos never grows old.
    (4) I advise children to avoid groomers at all costs. When groomers are denied children, they naturally turn to dogs. #CanineNaïveté
    (5) By the seventh day the Sun had completed its work which it had done. It rested on the seventh day from all its work which it had done, and cried out, “Hoo, mama! Let it rain!” And Mother Nature heard the call…
    (6) I went to the supermarket yesterday. It was jam-packed, and so were the glass jars in the breakfast aisle.
    (7) I have peace of mind. Would you like a piece of my mind?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Enjoy the time before you holiday starts. The joy of the holiday the days before are so wonderful.
    I also wish you a peaceful Sunday.
    Best wishes, Irene

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Taking or having a holiday is out of the question for me Pete. Simply put, I can no longer spend money on such a luxury. The last holiday I had was back in 2002…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My wifes saves the money from her part-time job so that we can have one week away in England with Ollie. We need a break from Beetley, so no longer consider it a luxury. It is just a reasonably priced week at the seaside in Lincolnshire, nothing remotely fancy.
      Best wishes, Pete.


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