Holiday Snaps (3)

Just the one photo on this post. I wanted to take Ollie to Cleethorpes Country Park, north of where we were staying. It was just less than 30 miles, so under an hour on small coastal roads. It turned out to be a good decision. Parking was free, and there were dozens of dogs for Ollie to interact with. Long paths and bridges around a huge lake gave us a very pleasant afternoon, in excellent weather.

(The photo can be enlarged, by clicking on it.)

Ollie was in his element, and even ventured into the lake for a paddle and a drink. Unfortunately, he was extra-reluctant to have his photo taken, so Julie had to ‘ambush’ him so I could get just one photo.

That was the only one I was able to get that afternoon, but it did not detract from our enjoyment of the visit.

48 thoughts on “Holiday Snaps (3)

  1. (1) Overheard:
    Ollie: “Wouldn’t you rather take pictures of a donkey?”
    Julie: “Just give us a little heehaw, okay?”
    Pete: “Dogs can’t heehaw. You’re barking up the wrong tree!”
    Tree: “Leave me out of it!”
    (2) Did Julie ever activate the lightsaber she’s holding? (Never paddle a dog with a lightsaber, whether paddling on land or out in the lake.)
    (3) I checked out the link. The park has birds heron there.

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