Autumn Sunday Musings

The leaves are falling, but there is little variety in the colours as yet. Despite a few very cold mornings, we have enjoyed some lovely late sunshine in Beetley this week. As of today, we have not yet felt the need to turn on the central heating.


Recently, I have cut back on the time I spend on the computer. To give that some structure, I avoid using the computer after 6pm every day. That is why you will often not see any replies to your comments until the next day.


Despite treating him with the usual drugs and ear-drops bought from the Vet, Ollie’s ear is still not clearing up. He is shaking his head a lot, and still hanging his left ear. So I have made an appointment for him at the Vet, yet again. The earliest I could get is next Wednesday morning. Let’s hope they can come up with something to ease his discomfort. He had his bath and claw-clipping at the groomer’s on Friday. I like to think it makes him feel better to be clean and fresh for a while, but I seriously doubt he cares at all.


The political fiasco in Britain continues to make me shake my head in despair. Liz Truss has now sacked her Chancellor, Kwazi Kwarteng, and appointed a former Health Minister in his place. She is about to do more U-turns on the recently announced tax policies, and the media is already writing her off, certain she will not survive pressure from within her own party. Serves her right for wanting a job she is so obviously incapable of doing.


It has been another quiet week, which suits me perfectly. Next weekend will be much busier, as we are visiting relatives in Essex for a few days.


Wherever you are, and whatever you are doing, I wish you a peaceful Sunday.


52 thoughts on “Autumn Sunday Musings

  1. I hope Ollie feels better soon. And yes, I agree on your comments about Liz, from what I hear reported. What a mess! Here the weather is quite hot for this time of the year. Taking some time off from the computer sounds good. And I hope you have a great weekend, if I don’t catch up with you before.

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  2. Poor Ollie let’s hope the vet can sort him he is plagued with ear infections it seems…I too have cut down my screen time and switch my Laptop off earlier and don’t turn it on until midday now…it gives me more time to read, chat with family and friends and walk which I love …x

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    1. Ollie’s breed is known for ear problems, Carol. (And skin problems too) One reason why so many Sharpeis are given up to rescue centres or sold on by owners is the high Vet bills and insurance premiums.
      Best wishes, Pete. x

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      1. I suppose it all the creases in their skin but its a shame when they are given to rescue centres or sold on because of vets bills as people should research the breed before they buy…Thats what I don’t get…x

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  3. Quiet weeks are a treasure. Poor Ollie. Sunday to Wednesday seems like a long time for him to be seen. I haven’t heard about your Prime Minister in the news, but we have the same situation- a President who is incapable. Sigh!

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  4. (1) On yesterday’s Bristlecone Trail hike, we spotted one small grove of aspens near the Lee Canyon ski area (currently being used by mountain bikers) that still had their golden leaves intact.
    (2) My computer wore tennis shoes yesterday, but avoided going on a hike with me.
    (3) Did you hear about the one-eared dog named dog after Vincent van Gogh? It had fifty percent fewer ear infections!
    (4) it only takes two U-turns to get things right.
    (5) A relative in Essex: “We heard Pete, Julie, and Ollie were coming to visit, so we’ve booked an Airbnb deep in the Brazilian rainforest. We hear the local tribes make for wonderful guests.”
    (6) There were more hikers than usual on the Bristlecone Trail, but it was still a relatively peaceful Sunday.

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  5. Poor Ollie….hope he gets sorted soon. I have been thinking I need to cut my screen time in the evening…well done you for doing that, I must do the same from today…..

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  6. Hi Pete, I am shaking my head in amazement at the political shambles in the UK. It has thrown the markets into complete turmoil and things were already bad. Unfortunately, it effects everyone. On a happier note, I’m glad you are having nice weather.

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    1. Thanks, Robbie. Whatever happens with U-turns and policy changes now, it is too late. The millionaires have taken their profits from the insider trading on currency, and ordinary people are paying the price with increased mortgages and loans. Some ordinary working people are facing a £600 a month increase in their mortgage overnight, with no means to pay for that.
      The housing market will dip, and rich people will buy up property cheaply, making even more money. All part of the plan by the Tories of course.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  7. We have had Irish Setters going on 40 years. Not the same ones. They have a tendency toward nasty ears like Cockers and other hairy floppy eared dogs. Several of our rescues in years past had bad ear problems. All the vet squirts and drops and all that pale in functional comparison to a gentian mix you can make yourself, endorsed by all our vets. One who worked on large animals said gentian was a staple on farm animals because ranchers aren’t going to pay $40 for a 12 ounce bottle of epiotic. Google it, wipe Ollie’s ears out once a day (outside), even as subsequent to the vet stuff. It’s miraculous. Google the mix. Seriously.

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  8. Let’s hope I’ve made this comment before the cut-off time, but here goes. If Truss was the best candidate the Conservatives could find amongst 356 sitting on the Government Benches, as someone who has voted Tory for decades, I just give up.

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    1. I’m glad she has let you down, David, and all those other Tory voters. They never really wanted to do anything for you (or any ordinary person) in the first place of course, just make more money for big business and the rich.
      Best wishes, Pete.


  9. Poor Ollie! I hope the vet comes up with a solution to the ear problem.

    It’s good to take regular breaks away from the computer – I do that frequently. Your followers will understand.

    We have had stronger fall colours this year, as the weather cooled down earlier than usual. Lovely to see and photograph, but I’d rather have the milder temperatures! Last October, we were still in the low 20s C.

    Liz Truss probably won’t last long, as you said. Not much of an improvement over Boris. 😛

    Wishing you a good week ahead!

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  10. Why anyone would wish to run a government is beyond me. Every day we hear more about T and his mis-doings. It is beyond shocking. One wants not to watch the fiasco but it’s like some awful soap opera that draws you back in. I have to try to limit viewing as it makes me so angry and outraged.

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    1. I get angry watching the news too. As for running a country, it is surely the ambition of anyone who wants to be in politics. It is also incredibly lucrative. Just look at how much money Tony Blair has earned since he left politics and traded on his rather dubious ‘reputation’. .
      Best wishes, Pete.


  11. Cooler temps have shown up here in the South (finally!)…..Sorry to hear about Ollie I hope gets better soon…..for a year now I have been limiting my time on the PC as well…..helps with the sanity. chuq

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  12. I usually switch the computer off for the day around 5.30. I cook dinner and then we always go for a walk after dinner, taking torches and fluorescent jackets in the winter. It’s not good to stare at a screen for too long. We’re off to visit relatives this afternoon, so I probably won’t log on again until tomorrow.

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    1. I rarely walk after dark, but do like to sit and chat and relax after dinner. I used to sneak back into the office room if there was nothing I wanted to watch on TV, but now I don’t do that.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  13. We’ve got all the autumn colours up here, it’s been quite spectacular driving to work and back and looking out the bedroom window. Sorry to read that Ollie is still troubled with his ear, must be horrible for him, I hope the vet has a solution. Have you got plans for your freed up evenings?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Not plans as such. Just being ‘sociable’ by sitting in the living room and watching some TV with Julie, or talking on the phone to relatives and friends. I think too much screen time is not helping my eyesight, and also stopping me getting off to sleep easily.
      Most of the trees here are Oaks or Beech, so they tend to go from green to brown with not much in between
      Best wishes, Pete.

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