Missed It

I should have known better than to suggest I might stay up until 00:01 to see in the New Year. After a long day punctuated by coughing fits, the best I could do last night was to reluctantly munch a pizza at 18:30, then sit coughing until I just had to go to bed and lie down at 23:00.

So I slept through the moment, waking at 02:15 for yet another coughing fit. My first of 2023!
(Should I celebrate that moment perhaps?)

Fortunately, I was then able to go back to sleep until an hour ago.

The sun is shining in Beetley this morning, but not forecast to remain for the day. The birds are singing in the hedge outside.

At least it has stopped raining.

52 thoughts on “Missed It

  1. I was helping out at a street party Sants 3 Ràdio (the radio station I volunteer at) organises every year (well, not during COVID, at least not live), so I was definitely awake and serving drinks. Here we are supposed to eat a grape with each stroke for good luck. I hope you feel better soon, Pete, and the new year brings a prompt recovery to you and health and good luck to all.

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  2. HI Pete, I also didn’t see in the New Year. Well, I was awoken by the racket at 00.01. I’ve had a weird viral throat infection since Boxing day and it has been horribly painful. I’ve been living on pain killers and anti inflammatories. Terence is also sick, but he’s getting chronic headaches and nausea. What a way to see out the old year and usher in the new. I hope you are doing better now.

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  3. I shouldn’t worry, Pete: more important is that you’re now able to sleep, and thereby recover. I was in bed for 11:15—I vaguely heard some fireworks after midnight [I wish they wouldn’t: the poor animals] but went straight back to sleep 😉 Another new day: another new opportunity. Cheers, Jon.

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  4. At least you’re getting some sleep now. Sam slept through it, but I told myself to wake up at 11.45, and I did. I went to the front of the caravan and enjoyed a free firework display coming from across the bay at Bembridge. We’re off to another display tonight at Sandown, and then home tomorrow.

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