44 thoughts on “The Exit Plan

    1. Yes, I would be in favour of some kind of voluntary euthanasia in those cases. Most people cannot afford to pay to go to a clinic in European countries where it is legal, or are too ill to travel that far.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  1. The film is similar to scenes in many novels over the years and yes it does seem confronting to many of an older age….but that’s all it is. An idea – put forward by a producer, director and a group of actors.

    That’s a very strong opinion you have Pete….what on earth went on in UK over the past few years for you to express it. Mistakes were made during the pandemic in care facilities all over the world but surely, to my mind, it would be dangerous to say they were deliberate.

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    1. It is because of the pandemic that I have that opinion, Cathy, and I stick by it. When elderly people with covid symptoms were being returned to care homes knowing it would infect other residents, the government was warned. One Health Minister said, “At least they are all old”, and the Prime Minister was known to have said “Let the bodies pile high”, and laugh as he said it”. I sincerely believe that the government deliberately caused the deaths of many thousands of old people to save money on state pensions and healthcare. Some smaller care homes lost as many as 90% of their residents to Covid-19. One case reported locally to me in Norfolk saw every single resident die within a matter of weeks. The government knew it was happening, but did nothing to stop it.

      Many thanks for following this blog, which is appreciated.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  2. A very thought-provoking video plus it appears I am not alone in thinking this may already be happening (behind) closed doors…It’s scary and makes me scared for my children and grandchildren’s futures…if global warming doesn’t get us all first x

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    1. I’m convinced it was already happening during the Covid Pandemic. Old people were being sent back from hospital to care homes to infect other residents, then they all died. (At least in England.)
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Me too, Don. Mainly because I think it is already happening in some care homes and other facilities.
      When Boris Johnson was told that ‘mostly very old people’ were dying of Covid-19, he famously declared, “Let the bodies pile high”.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, the government is trying to make people feel guilty about getting old, and almost certainly killed many thousands of old people by deliberate mishandling of the Covid Pandemic.
      Best wishes, Pete. x

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s just what we were saying Pete. I have been thinking about this a long time now and intend making a post on it. May I link it back to your post here, as I think your post is an important one? Xx

        Liked by 2 people

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