40 thoughts on “Lockdown: A Very Short Film

  1. Granted lock down in the state of Pennsylvania only lasted a month, it became 30 days of being incredibly creative, I also managed to lose weight and grow finger nails. Weirdly the pandemic was comforting and suited our life style (my wife and I ) the only downside was getting Covid on my 50th…that truly was a nightmare I don’t ever want to relive.


    1. My wife and I led fairly normal lives during the lockdowns in England, as I am retired, and she had to carry on working for our Doctor. We both got finally Covid in December 2022, and were very ill for a few weeks, ruining Christmas, and hanging over until mid-January.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  2. My mother and I also spent lockdown in a small apartment, so I totally related to this. At least we had each other, but it is very good and many people will connect with it. Thanks for sharing it, Pete, and thanks to Anthony as well.

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  3. I was also fortunate that I was able to continue to work. We were only allowed to visit one family at a time, but I didn’t think it was that bad. I always had contacts at work.
    Wearing the mask affected me a lot because I have asthma. But I still liked wearing the mask as a precaution.
    But I also think, that people who lived alone really have a very stressful time behind them. Someone once said that he now goes shopping every day so that he can meet people. I found that very sad. It was also very stressful for the children and young people not to be able to meet with others, to play or to have a party. They have “lost” two years of their life.
    I hope we don’t have to experience something like this again.

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    1. Our life in Beetley stayed much the same, and my wife continued to work because she works for our Doctor. But some people living alone in apartments in cities suffered depression, and I can understand why.
      Best wishes, Pete.


    1. Yes, we had some great weather. I was able to walk around with Ollie every day, and still went to the supermarket once a week. It wasn’t really much different for me.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  4. If I ever needed confirmation that I never want to end up in a flat or apartment… Front gardens were a godsend. Seems crazy now to recall talking to neighbours over the fence and visitors only allowed in the front garden. Zoom also became a lifeline.

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    1. My life is quite dull by most standards, so I didn’t really notice any drastic changes during lockdown. It would have been very different in the London flat we lived in before moving to Norfolk.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  5. powerful one minute statement showing the experience was different for us all. So if anyone here can’t relate to it, then realise thats how it was for others.

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    1. I was lucky too, in that respect. My wife carried on working, as she is in the Health Service. They had lots of restrictions where she works, to ensure the safety of staff and patients.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  6. It must have been difficult for people who had to endure the lockdowns alone, especially if they didn’t have countryside or parks to walk in, even for short periods; I was very lucky to have family & friends to talk to & see when restrictions eased. Cheers, Jon.

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    1. Yes, it is worrying how readily people comply in modern times. (Excepot for numerous very entitled politicians of course)
      I don’t think we would have done that in the late 1960s, I’m sure I would have rebelled.
      Best wishes, Pete. x


  7. I watched the film but I do not understand the message if there is one– it certainly is not a movie with an agenda that I can tell ..and my lockdown experience was somewhat difference because I had the advantage of having access to everything I needed during the period and was not in the least but inconvenienced.
    Let me amend that… I did more or less hate the bare toilet paper shelves at the stores so I laid in a three year supply from an online supplier who had a lot of it for sale ….other than that I can barely remember the lockdown period.

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    1. I think it is trying to show the frustration of one man alone during lockdown, John. I didn’t experience that so seriously myself, but could still appreciate the point.
      Best wishes, Pete

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