18 thoughts on “Comments Box Issues And logging In to Comment

  1. A good tip but I have never had that box ticked but sometimes on some blogs I am req to log in to comment even though I have commented before…I just think WP is trying to get us to either upgrade or use editor by adding all these little quirks x

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    1. I haven’t logged out of WordPress in years, but I occasionally get the ‘Log in to comment’ issue on blogs I follow. I can get around it most times by just commenting on The Reader instead. It seems to be random, without rhyme or reason.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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    1. I have no idea why that happens, Marina. I have never had that box ticked, ever since I started blogging in 2012. I can only apologise for that frustration.
      Best wishes, Pete.


      1. I think that WordPress has just stopped bothering to show us the Spam. My only concern is that many genuine comments may have vanished in there. At the same time, the only comments appearing in Trash on my blog have all been genuine comments from established followers.
        Best wishes, Pete.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I have never followed an unsolicited link in a comment or email, Phil. On WordPress I use the option that only allows users with a previously approved comment to get past Awaiting Moderation.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Under ‘Discussion’ in Settings, there is this option.
      ‘Comment author must have a previously approved comment’.
      I have ticked this box so that new comments from people who have not commented before are held in ‘Awaiting Moderation’ for my approval.
      Best wishes, Pete.


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