More Interesting Vehicle Designs From The 1930s

I found some more!

Sold as ‘The Home On Wheels’.

The ‘Arrow’ car.

A very stylish American truck in a delapidated condition.

An aerodynamic car towing a similar caravan.

A General Motors aerodynamic concept car that could go for 78 miles on one gallon of petrol.

A French touring car designed to give every pasenger a view of the sky.

This beautiful train was built for American railways.

A toy pedal car towing a caravan big enough for one!

Another simply lovely Art Deco pram.

47 thoughts on “More Interesting Vehicle Designs From The 1930s

      1. Have you met anybody who likes a Camry over the look of a Mustang? I say this as proud Camry owner but you know what I mean. Roger Ebert once noted road movies must always feature old cars because we enjoy the look of them because of their novelty of being scarcely seen. His logic was sound but he was saying this in the early 90s. I’m not sure these days it just doesn’t come down to how better looking older cars are. I mean a Pontaic TransAm is something else and that’s from the 80s but that’s over four years ago now.

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  1. (1) That “home on wheels” was driven by Auric Goldfinger.
    (2) We drink Arrowhead spring water. It’s bottled at the source in California.
    (3) I proudly drive a dilapidated truck that spits (oil) in the face of style!
    (4) The driver of that aerodynamic car and camper is Marsha N. Greene. She’s reserved a camping spot in Area 51.
    (5) That GM concept car gets 78 mpg? I guess you don’t need much Gas Money.
    (6) J’aime bien la French touring car! Does it come with Michelin tires?
    (7) Is that a bullet train?
    (8) Overheard:
    Barbie: “Are we there yet?”
    Ken: “I’m pedaling as fast as I can, alright?”
    (9) Is that a young Miss Marple pushing El Pram? I’m going to hire a P.I. (Palindrome Investigator) to find out.

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  2. Classic looks indeed Pete. The Comedian and Tonight Show Host Jay Leno keeps an airport hanger in San Fernando Valley where he restores dozens and dozens of vintage cars, using a 3-D printer to make replicas of parts no longer in existence…he lives near me and we often see him driving one of the cars through the neighborhood…he has also been on my wife’s show many times and is a wonderful person.

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  3. fascinating era for vehicle designs. a couple of years ago, I went to the Detroit Institute of Arts, our largest museum, which was featuring cars from the 50s and 60s, Detroit is called the motor city after all, they were on display, along with their original drawings and the stories behind the designs, and it was an amazing exhibit

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  4. Striking creations and feels like an era when it was possible to dream and when design took centre stage! My favourites are the pedal car and caravan, a child’s dream and ahh … that pram is beyond stylish! Puts modern prams to shame!

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