26 thoughts on “Beetleypete’s Classroom: Drawing Lesson

    1. I suppose they must have had their reasons for it, centuries ago. Maybe it comes from a time when they had to show what land they came from, and the other countries could recognise it?

      Best wishes, Pete.


      1. from what I know of the upper grades, beyond kindergarten, they continue to teach history and culture, and geography, along with some of the clothing, but don’t know that it is a huge focus of the learning. I just remember loving it

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  1. Quite a variety there, Pete. Many of them seem to be variations on the same theme, but a few stand out like, er, the chests of the ancient Cretans [care taken with the spelling there] 😉 Cheers, Jon.

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    1. When I was at Primary School, (1957-1963) we were taught about national dress in foreign countries and the attire worn throughout history. I wonder if that still happens today?

      Best wishes, Pete.

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