51 thoughts on “Midweek Grins

  1. Think that you sent it my way Pete, its looking quite overcast and threatening here in Dublin after a week of sunshine & sunburn.
    And they say sharing is caring 😂
    Ill take a good laugh over bad weather every day 👍

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    1. Great to see you are still around, Ed. I haven’t had a blog notification from you in an age! We are supposed to have this rain for the rest of the week, I hope they are wrong.

      Best wishes, Pete.

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  2. Thanks for the chuckles, Pete. I wouldn’t go so far as to say I’m a pluviophile, but at least it’s properly raining here, instead of that dreary mizzle we’ve had regularly recently. I have to wait outside for a lift later, so I fear a brolly will be essential, even if only for a few minutes! Cheers, Jon.

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