45 thoughts on “Catching Up Slowly

    1. Because we finally had a taste of Summer this week, I had to bite the bullet and do some outside, ‘jobs’, GP. But I should hopefully be back to normal service by late tomorrow.

      Best wishes, Pete.

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    1. I got put off Bryan by the Robin Hood theme song that was number one for what seemed like a lifetime. But enjoy the gig, and the IOW. Glad to hear your hand has healed enough to go swimming.

      Best wishes, Pete.

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  1. Pete, let me just say that you are not alone. There’s an old Pennsylvania Dutch (which, by the way, isn’t Dutch at all and should be Pennsylvania “German”) saying with more than a bit of truth to it: “The hurrier I go, the behinder I get.” So take your time. You are not forgotten.

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    1. Thank you, Angela. I am getting close to being caught up now. We had a sudden improvement in the weather, a taste of Summer. That meant many outside jobs had to be done before the rain returns.

      Best wishes, Pete.


  2. That “life stuff” manifests in abundance. Sometimes it’s telling you more of this and less of that. I saw a plaque that said Life – What Happens Between Coffee and Wine. Nothing in there about sitting in front of the computer🤣 Stay Calm and Carry On

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  3. You know we are always here Pete for whenever you have the chance to stop by! I did notice that one very engaged Blogger has, for the past month now, stopped interacting completely and just posts promotions of their content…too bad really

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