An Essential Book For Film And Literature Fans

** I have no connection to the authors or the publisher**

This new hardback book is not cheap, but ardent film fans and lovers of literature will enjoy the maps locating fictional film characters from James Bond to Bullitt, and many more from books, popular video games, and TV shows.

From the Ghostbusters HQ in New York to Nemo’s fish tank in Sydney, from the Phantom of the Opera’s Parisian lair to scenes from Grand Theft Auto in LA, this is an amazing atlas of imaginary locations in real-life cities around the world. Locations from film, TV, books, computer games and comics are ingeniously plotted on a series of beautiful vintage-looking maps.

Feauturing 14 of the world’s greatest cities, the maps show exactly where your favourite characters lived, loved, worked and played, and where iconic scenes took place. The locations have been painstakingly tracked down, mapped, annotated and wittily divulged by the authors, and an extensive index helps you find them all.

41 thoughts on “An Essential Book For Film And Literature Fans

      1. You still can, Pete; the last time I checked, it was £1 to request a book within the same county, but it was something like £8 if it was out of county. Not too much if it’s a really important book, and very likely much less than the purchase cost! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

    1. It is currenly on offer at £23.75, Gavin. I didn’t accept cookies, just scrolled down. I think a good hardback book is worth the investment though.

      Cheers, Pete.


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