Blog mania

I have now written 88 posts on this blog. In just under four months, that is quite a lot. I have reviewed them, once again, and decided that they were all what I wanted to post at the time, and that the blog is absent of fillers, or unnecessary jottings. Statistics tell me that the Ambulance stories are by far the most popular, so I have gone back to them, as you will have seen. This has hopefully entertained my readership, but it has also jogged my memory about the many years spent in the emergency ambulances.

This has generally been a good thing. When I left the Ambulance Service, I felt that my time there had run its course, and I never once looked back, or regretted my decision to leave. Writing the stories on the blog, takes me back to the smell inside the vehicle, the black humour, and the many good things about the job, as well as the downside. It does not make me wish that I had not left, or yearn for a return to those years. It helps me to see that time as a part of my life, a very large part, that had a lot of value. So, writing this blog did that.

I still have lots of ideas, as yet unexplored, for longer, multi-part posts, concerning issues of more weight, opinions and political views, that may surprise, or even cause offence. They are still going to come one day. I make rough notes, jot down possible titles, and recall events that might make good reading, or might not. I have yet to fully expand on my original plan to portray the differences between my new life in Norfolk, and my former life in London. This has not proved to be the fertile ground that I once imagined it would be. Perhaps this is predominantly because I do not really have a new life in Norfolk as yet, outside of the day-to-day, my wanderings with Ollie, and occasional trips to Dereham. Writing the blog has made me realise this too.

The blog has also renewed old acquaintances, and made new contacts, in many different countries, though primarily in the USA. I have had some rewarding exchanges by e mail, and received excellent constructive criticism, as well as praise, along with some welcome sarcasm and banter. It is highly unlikely that this would have been the case, were I not writing this on an almost daily basis, and promoting it to friends, old and new, my family, and ex-colleagues. I cannot think of anything comparable, that would give me some sense of personal achievement, allow me to offer thoughts, recollections, and opinions, acting as a window on my past, as well as my present.

Blogging has done all this for me. So, if I am suffering from ‘Blog mania’, then I am glad. It has been good for me so far, and I can see no reason to stop.

2 thoughts on “Blog mania

  1. Please don’t stop your writing. Even though the posts don’t always follow a theme, they are none-the-less very interesting and great reading. They provide a simple American with an insight into English life that is rarely glimpsed.


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