Sandwich: The second half

Continuing from the previous post, here are three more shots from that day trip. Some of the oldest buildings in the town, and a view from the bridge along the quay, which now serves as a car park.

St Peter’s Street, with its lovingly-preserved mixture of houses, from Tudor to Georgian.


St Peter’s Church, in the heart of the town. It dates from the 13th century, and has a famous crypt, once used as a charnel house and ossuary. There is also the distinctive metal cupola below the spire. It is hard to see from this angle, but if you enlarge the photo, it is visible. I wanted to go inside, but a large tour group had just arrived, for a pre-arranged visit.


Standing on the new bridge that replaced the ancient toll bridge, this was shot looking east along the river, toward the sea.


In the next and last of this series, I will show some photos of more modern buildings in the town.

23 thoughts on “Sandwich: The second half

  1. Reblogged this on beetleypete and commented:

    The second reblogged photo post featuring this town in Kent, from 2015. Many of you saw these at the time, but they may interest more recent followers. It continued to be dull weather all day there, so it is probably worth enlarging the photos to get a better effect.


    1. One of the reasons why I decided to stick with large files, David. Those who are interested can enjoy the small details! I am pleased with this camera so far. Considering the cost, it is more than capable of what I need.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Your photos made me go back and look at my photos of Sandwich. I think I must have followed a town trail as I have a lot of buildings, including the church which clearly shows the cupola as it was taken from a distance. Looking at the images Sandwich reminds me a lot of Ludlow, which may be one reason why I like both towns. Of course Sandwich is a lot closer to the coast, but Ludlow is probably a lot quieter šŸ™‚


      1. I took a few more photos than those I put on the blog, otherwise it would have been a bit of a Sandwich ‘overdose’ for readers. I have yet to discover how you manage to add your photos in smaller, grouped ways on your blog.


  3. Great photos from you and I checked out that link you left for Arlene – no one will ever compete with the older architecture in my book; building had character back then.


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