Ollie and the snow

We had some snow this morning, as expected. When I got up, it was snowing heavily, and the garden looked like a scene from Scotland, rather than Norfolk. I was concerned about Julie’s drive to work, and pleased when she sent me a text announcing a safe arrival. I decided to take a camera out with me when we went for Ollie’s afternoon walk, but by the time we got over to Beetley Meadows, all of it had almost melted away. Despite a very cold wind, there was enough sun to clear it.

At least Ollie was happy to stand still for a change, scanning the area for other dogs. As he turned to see why we were not continuing with the walk, I managed to zoom in for a closer shot. (The photos look much better when clicked on, and enlarged)


So it wasn’t as impressive as I had hoped. But at least you got to see Ollie again, and we have nice clear roads instead of icy death traps.

58 thoughts on “Ollie and the snow

  1. Ollie is such a handsome chap. We were getting warnings about being snowed in here but the snow that had settled on Friday morning was already gone in the time I took Little O to playgroup. A damp squib indeed!


  2. Dear Pete, do you mind me asking something irrelevant that you may have addressed in another post that perhaps I missed? I am only asking because you are so attentive to blogging realities (and often blog about them). Here’s the thing: recently, all the Facebook share numbers disappeared from every post in both my blogs. Inexplicably. Some time ago this has occurred again, I had switched to the official sharing buttons, then back, and some time afterward it got fixed (perhaps by wordpress?). Now, nothing, for more than some time. Have you noticed the same in your own?


    1. Hi Nandia. I do not have a Facebook account, but my wife does. Sometimes, she shares posts on that platform, but the numbers never appear on my own blog. However, in the Stats listings, all Facebook views appear as links into the site. I have seen many blogs with Facebook share numbers apparent, but this has never been the case on my own. Linkedin shares do appear, but not Google+, or Facebook.
      I am not sure why this is. It could be something I missed when activating ‘Publicise’, or it may be my choice of theme doesn’t support it. (Though that seems unlikely) It may well be that recent WordPress ‘updates’ have removed this facility, or only applied it to Premium or Professional packages.
      In the past, I have had some success using WordPress-operated forums. Start a thread, ask the question, and it is likely that a WordPress ‘Happiness Engineer’ will contact you within 24 hours, to supply the answer. If this doesn’t work, let me know, and I will contact one of my fellow bloggers for more advice.
      Best wishes, Pete.


      1. Oh, thank you for the detailed answer! But I see the Facebook button under your posts, that is strange. And it definitely has nothing to do with having or not having a Facebook account, because mine has platforms off and I haven’t connected it to any of my sites (for privacy reasons), so if I want to share a link on Facebook I have to do it like everyone else, by copy-sharing the link. If you have the button, the Facebook shares should appear (because it is more common that people share posts on Facebook). Actually, my posts have more Facebook shares than views! It is a good indicator – but I will try the WordPress operated forums: do you happen to have an address? I found some threads with the same/similar question asked, but already some years ago and the threads were all closed. In any case, thank you for taking the trouble for a detailed answer, I really appreciate it!


        1. I get the Facebook button from the ‘Publicise’ link. I thought you meant the small numbers that appear inside, to show the times it has been shared.
          Try this, on your Admin Dashboard.
          ‘Sharing Buttons’
          Then drag and drop the Facebook button from the top menu into the box below.
          If this doesn’t help, click the ‘Support’ link, which can be found at the very bottom of the Admin page.
          Scroll down to the ‘Get Help’ box. Click that, and you have a dialogue box that allows you to post a question on Forums. If you do this, the questions are generally answered by WordPress staff, and they have usually responded to my own queries by the following day.

          If none of this works, get back to me, and I will ask someone by email.

          Best wishes, Pete.


          1. Yes, that is how I had installed the Facebook button in the first place (through the settings/sharing menu). And the numbers inside the button used to appear normally until a couple of weeks ago (that is why I thought that, independently of you having an account or not, some Facebook shares number would appear, because it is impossible that some people don’t share posts through that platform). But I had no idea about the get help box! I am going to post the query today, and get back to you, as soon as I hear something from them! Thank you so much, Pete!


        2. I am a little confused now. I will try to contact some of my followers and see if they have any suggestions. If not, I will ask the question myself for you, via the Help contact form.


    1. There is something quite satisfying about being ‘Soft Southerners’, Ian!
      You must have had your share of snow many years ago though, before seeing the light, and hitting the city.
      Cheers, Pete.


  3. You knew I’d love having a new shot of Ollie!! Such a handsome boy he is! And you’re right, the pictures are better when you enlarge them. Have a pleasant evening, [all 3 of you!].


  4. It’s raining here in “sunny” Las Vegas this morning. We are on the fringes of that storm that’s been hitting California. It’s very rare to have snow fall here in the valley, but I’m sure Mt. Charleston, which is visible from the valley, will be even whiter than before once the clouds have lifted. Normally, the peak remains snow-capped until the beginning of June.
    I enlarged the second photo of Ollie and marveled at the detail. It’s an excellent photo of the blogging world’s most famous Shar Pei. If you ever have a period of massive snowfall, I suggest creating a snow sculpture of Ollie. I’d love to see a photo of Ollie posing next to his crystal-doppelgänger!


  5. Hey Ollie, how you doin? How you doin? Who’s a good boy? You’re a good boy. Damn it how cute are dogs Pete. Although to be honest if I saw poor Ollie down at a park without a leash I’d freak out. Just something with me and big dogs but he’s gorgeous and getting out about in the wild does him good. Slap a photo of your beautiful animal in the snow and I bet it’ll get 80 likes overnight. Craft a well though out story over a week and maybe get 40. Thanks for the doughnut, look forward to the bran cereal.


  6. How lovely to see dear Ollie with a little snow! 🙂 Great photos, Pete!! What a fine character Ollie is. ❤
    We woke up to strong winds and rain this morning. Then suddenly it started to snow and we were all happy excited, but unfortunately it was all gone within two hours. 😦
    It's till quite stormy outside so I decided against going to Blakeney to capture the high tide.
    And now I have put "Get Bonio biscuits for Ollie" on my shopping list … just in case, better be prepared. 😉
    Wishing you a hyggelig evening,
    all the best from us in Cley. xo


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