Camera-shy Ollie

Today was bright and cold. The mud has finally started to harden, so I decided on a longer walk today, in advance of the rain forecast for tomorrow. I took the camera along, and headed for Hoe Common. On the way, I took this shot of a cattle waterer over on Hoe Rough. It’s an ingenious device. The cows push their snouts against the curved part, and that siphons water from the river with a pump-action. You can just make out the ice in the water.

(All photos can be enlarged for detail, and that will be necessary, to read the notice board shot.)

This useful information board is provided at Hoe Common. I have seen most of the animals and birds mentioned, but not a Linnet.

Across the old railway tracks, these prickly hedges that line the fields have been cut back for winter. They use a tractor, with an attachment that looks like a giant domestic hedge trimmer.

On the locked gate that leads to a farm is this reassuring notice.

Walking back across the common, I noticed this tall stile has been erected, to give access into a fenced off area. I have no idea why it is fenced off, as walkers are allowed, and the fence wires are too wide to keep out any wildlife.

Apologies to all the fans of photos of Ollie. He was camera-shy today, and would not stop for a moment to be in any of the photos!

33 thoughts on “Camera-shy Ollie

  1. Some lovely winter photos here Pete, nice shadows. I don’t mind a stile with a long pole beside it like that one (though I much prefer a kissing-gate). A shame the granite stiles down here don’t come with some assistance.


      1. Very interesting to have a restaurant that is selling houses too! This flu is taking its time and I am still full of unspeakable substance which isn’t pleasant at all. Lost my voice and still can’t go too far without breathlessness. Just have to wait it out, but it is very annoying.


        1. Everything there is for sale! The lamps, fixtures, cabinets, mirrors, etc. They have many businesses wrapped up in one concept.
          Sorry to hear how rough you are feeling. Let’s hope you see the end of it soon. 🙂 x

          Liked by 1 person

  2. I suppose poor Ollie had to keep moving to stay warm. I can understand that. Amazing how the cattle are trainied to pump their own water!! But the best is that sign!!


  3. Cowabunga! I’ve never seen a “cattle waterer” like that. Who knew a snout could get the water out? As for the stile, it was erected because no one wanted to invest in a kissing gate (according to Sam Brown, kissing gates incite barroom brawls),


    1. There are quite a few ‘kissing gates’ around here, David.
      The cattle device is French, and works off of a metal hose draped into the river. I had also never seen one before, but the cows seem to instinctively understand what to do to get a drink.
      Best wishes, Pete.


  4. I’m glad you had good weather, Pete. 🙂
    Now we have to think of a way to get Ollie to pose for you. On command.
    Ollie- listen-Bonio!
    We walked Cley -Wiveton-Blakeney today. The flood hit Blakeney hard last night and also the coastroad through Cley was closed. I’ve never seen anything like this, the traces of the water goes all the way up to Blakeney Hotel and boats are in the middle of the road outside the Flintgalleries. They are already clearing the coastroad, I suppose by Monday it’s all gone.
    Love to you all,
    Dina & co x


  5. An interesting walk with all the history besides. I can’t blame Ollie for not posing for you two days in a row. He doesn’t want you to think it’s now a habit. My best pictures of the cats come when they are sleeping. They also are reluctant to slow down for me when I bring out the camera. Enjoy your day! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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