Socks beat Jamiroquai- official!

After my recent blogging break, I was back this week with a post about funerals, followed by a deliberately lighthearted piece about socks.

As regular readers are all-too aware, my post ‘Whatever happened to? : Jamiroquai’ has been the runaway favourite on this blog since the day it was published. Every week, it has beat all other posts into second place, and has consistently been the most-read post here for a long time now. I imagined that this would continue unabated, as long as this blog existed.

But hot news from WordPress shows me that I was wrong. ‘Socks’ has succeeded where no other post could, by beating Jamiroquai into second place this week! After a long period lacking inspiration to blog, this was cheerful news indeed. Random posts about nondescript items of clothing can still amuse and entertain readers. There is a future for my blog!

Staying positive, in 2017.

40 thoughts on “Socks beat Jamiroquai- official!

  1. I’m curious Pete, I did a review on The Founder in early January and it has received more views this past week than it last month. It’s my most viewed post ever now, albeit this only a humble 150 views. I’m wondering why its getting this attention. Other than maybe a google search of Ray Kroc asshole comes up with my review. Any ideas?


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