Baby Ollie

I finally managed to get some old photos transferred from Julie’s phone. They were taken when Ollie was just a few months old, during 2012. I think you will agree that he was a very cute pup!

In the living room, ready for play.

Worn out after playing, and fast asleep outside in the shade.

Now he is a little older, and out In the garden, fed up with chasing sticks. If you enlarge the photo, you can see the stitches from his first eye operation.

Tiredness creeping over him, and a big yawn.

70 thoughts on “Baby Ollie

    1. He’s a great dog, but any dog is such a tie. I have to plan ahead to do anything, and if I go anywhere, I always have to see if dogs are banned. I also have friends with dogs (or Cats) that I can’t visit with Ollie, so it can be a pain. But mostly, he’s a joy.
      Cheers, Pete.

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  1. What a sweet little baby puppy! The older “Dog” (and I use the word, ‘dog’ lightly because he seems to be more human than anything …lovely, sweet, dear creature he is …) This almost made me cry because it is so endearing.

    Liked by 1 person

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