Other Blogs: Part One

I have often mentioned that I follow over 100 other blogs. Some are on WordPress, and some are self-hosted. It has been a long time since I have recommended that you look at those blogs, though of course many of you will be the bloggers featured. 🙂

So I am starting a short series on blogs that I suggest you check out. Each will have a short description, and a link to the main page. There will be something for everyone; from stunning photos, to film reviews, book reviews, and general musings. If you have some time to spare, please think about those that might interest you, and perhaps read a couple of their posts.

Let’s keep the community vibrant!

A European couple, living a lovely life in a village on the North Norfolk Coast. Stunning photography, together with intelligent and thought-provoking text. Nature, Wildlife, and the elements.
The World According To Dina.

The educational observations of an American teacher who looks after the youngest kids in the school. Inspirational, heartwarming, caring, and a lovely person.
A Teacher’s Reflections.

A Celebration of Thrillers, Noir and Black Comedy. Smart writing, from a very smart lady. Literature, Films, real-life stories, and much more.
All Things Thriller.

‘Cause This is Thriller

If you aspire to get published, to market and promote you book, or are just searching for the best free tips about such things, you can’t do better than Nick Rossis. A lovely man, a great writer and novelist, he resides in Athens with his wife and daughter.


A film site packed with more reviews than you can shake a stick at. Witty, sometimes acerbic, and incredibly knowledgeable. Oh, and some very hard film quizzes too.
Chandler Swain. (Probably not his real name)


If books are your thing, along with some whimsy, amusing gifs, and celebration of ‘special days’, then look no further than Kim. A prolific reader and reviewer, and a lovely lady too.
By Hook Or By Book.

There are six to start you off. More blogs will be featured soon.

72 thoughts on “Other Blogs: Part One

  1. Hey..have been following your posts and I noticed how you review and go through other blogs too.I started writing recently and would appreciate if you would visit my blog and give me some advices and comments on how I can improve.Attaching the link to my blog below.Once again thank you for loads of creative content.:)


    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have just looked through some of your blog posts. I noticed that you do not have tags, or categories. They are often searched for by potential readers, and do help to potentially increase your audience. Otherwise, the style and presentation of your blog is very appealing, and looks nice on the screen. I mention tags and categories here. https://beetleypete.com/2016/06/25/blogging-ten-more-thoughts/
      In your case, you should tag your Poetry posts ‘Poetry’, ‘Writing’, etc. If you look at the tags on some of my blog posts, you will get the idea.
      Best wishes, Pete.


      1. Thank you for the advice Pete.Iam not quite familiar with these tags and categories as Iam new here.Your link is helping a lot, will customize the blog as you said and let you know. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for the nice mention, though I suppose that means I’ll have to write something once in a while. Damn troublemaker.

    Hey… don’t ya think it’s about time you lowered the keyboard so Ollie could start a rebuttal webpage? Something along the line of: https://pleasesomebodyhelpmegetawayfromthiscrazyoldmanwhosholdingmeprisoner.com
    Just a thought. (And you know how much that hurts my head.

    Back to work,

    – Isak Dinesen

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I tried your site link, but it didn’t work. 🙂
      I think I’ll keep calling you Chandler, and imagining you look like Marcello Mastroinanni, rather than Karen Blixen. I doubt you ever had a ‘Ferm in Aaafrikka’:)
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s not just about following, Susanne, though this was aimed at new bloggers, who could learn from following excellent blogs. Maybe just enjoy some posts, get some tips, and simply feel inspired. No need or requirement to follow, just to feel invigorated by the enthusiasm of others. If I would suggest one blog for you, it would be The World According To Dina. The photography is simply outstanding, and is the result of study, courses, expensive equipment, and a very good ‘eye’ from Hanne. (Dina)
      You are on the list, by the way. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks. I’m wondering though whether it might be even more helpful to suggests specific posts that have impressed you in each blog. I’ve been intending for some time to put together an ‘other blogs’ post myself and this is what I’m thinking of doing.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s a good idea, Tasker. In most cases, I am happy to recommend all the posts on these blogs.
      Either way, people can pick or choose one that appeals to them. That’s what I do, whenever I follow a new blog.
      Best wishes, Pete.


  4. That is a very nice thing you do…..I am such a one way guy…..me and international relations….that I seldom go out and look….this is a good way for me to expand my horizons…..thanx….chuq

    Liked by 2 people

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