Another Guest Post Offer

At least once a year, I offer followers of this blog (and email and Twitter followers) the opportunity to have a guest post published here.

This not only gives me a short break from posting, it also helps to introduce those bloggers to others, and to continue to foster that sense of community so valuable to us all.

So this is how it works, if you are interested.
(Don’t worry if you have had a guest post before, you are allowed more!)

Using this email address send me a blog post in up to 2,000 words, either as a word document, or an email. It can be about anything you like; perhaps a short story, a promotion of your own book, a hobby, your review of a book or film, or just an everyday blog post about your own life and what you enjoy doing.

If you want to include images, please resize them to save on my space allowance, and send each one separately in an different email. Feel free to include a photo of yourself if you wish, and maybe a short personal bio too. If you have links to promoting any book or website, make sure to include proper links, and not just typed references.

This is a general family-friendly blog, so no lurid erotica or excessive swearing, please.

I will read anything before posting it, and if I approve it, it will not be edited or altered, in any way. I will let you know when it has been posted, and will expect you to reply to comments, and to engage with any readers who comment too.

I have close to 5,000 followers now, and a regular core of readers who always comment on posts. Most days, I get between 300-400 views of this blog, sometimes more. Each post received will also be shared on Twitter and Linkedin, and will be available to be reblogged without prior permission.

So take the plunge, and send me a guest post. What have you got to lose?
If you don’t want to write something specific, then send me a link to something you would like me to reblog.

(It will take about a week to get around to any, so don’t be concerned if they don’t appear immediately)

42 thoughts on “Another Guest Post Offer

        1. He had his fur ‘stripped’ (by hand and brush) but not cut. Then he had a bath, his ears cleaned inside, and toenails cut. He looks much nicer, and smells a lot better too.
          Thanks, Michael.
          Best wishes, Pete. ๐Ÿ™‚

          Liked by 1 person

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