**Update** On ‘Anonymous’

After yesterday’s post about the ‘Anonymous’ glitch, it seems to be getting worse.

One blogger managed to fix it yesterday, only to find himself relegated back to Anonymous soon after.

Then today, I received quite a few more comments from others who were ‘Anonymous’, including Eddy Winko, one of my longest-ever followers.

It seems to me that this problem is set to escalate, and whether it is the fault of the ‘wrong browser’, or a WordPress glitch, the result is the same. This could seriously affect our community’s valuable interaction in the blog comments, leading to a lot of dissatisfaction among our fellow bloggers.

So if you find yourself affected by this, please make an effort to notify WordPress as soon as it happens. Then we might hopefully get some answers, and an eventual resolution to the problem.

62 thoughts on “**Update** On ‘Anonymous’

  1. Thank you for the information, Pete! Maybe the problems are part of the new WP-release, installed last week. I got a note on the other installations i have, but they are not interactive. So i had not seen any issues. It seems the connection between Gravatar.com and the WP-software itself is not longer stable enough.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Maybe its usefulfor calming down, but it does not really change the situation. Hope they will test their installation once more. By the way, all the “chat” and other benefits of wp.com are depending on the backend named “Jetpack”, a closed app. Best wishes, Michael

        Liked by 1 person

      1. I have started suffering glitches too. My whole post of messy bookworms got erased somehow when I didn’t even do anything. WordPress has to do something. That’s so kind of you. I am waiting for any other update that you can provide. I had to rewrite the whole post😡😤 WordPress fix yourself.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Most people seem to think it is to do with the browser, Suzan. Those of us using Google Chrome seem to be less affected. Microsoft users appear to be having more problems.
          Best wishes, Pete.


    1. Frank, it’s getting complicated!
      Your name and photo are as normal. But your comment had to be approved as ‘Anonymous’. I think this issue is set to get increasingly bad.
      Best wishes, Pete.


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