No More Mister Blocky

After all the posts, all the grief, the debates, headaches, and everything and anything to do with the cursed Block Editor, you will be pleased to know that I will no longer be posting about this scourge of the WordPress Blogger.

I have found what seem to be two effective ways to create posts still using the Old Editor, and very soon I will be back to normal blogging, without a Block in sight.

At least until the end of 2022, when they are supposedly stopping all access to anything but Mister Blocky.

70 thoughts on “No More Mister Blocky

  1. Great news, so now we have two years to move you away from your paid subscription so you can own your domain, find a hosting package, transfer your blog and take back control 🙂
    I’m sure I will be in the UK in the next few years to help out 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great to have you back Pete 🙂 Anyway, keep up the great work as always 🙂

    P.S. even though October just began, I managed to finish my annual watching of producer Val Lewton’s 9 (to be precise) horror films of the 1940’s during two weeks ago when it was still September 🙂 Lewton’s horror films were masterful weren’t they? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I could not see how to add an image on my other blog. I looked it up on WP Help, and it is a huge tutorial! They could have at least left that alone. I still really hate the BE, Mary.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I did a Block post on my other blog today. I just kept typing, and it came out okay. But I couldn’t see how to add an image this time, so will have to keep fiddling. I still hate it!
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  3. I didn’t answer the earlier posts about you signing off. I admit I was actually quite upset. You were one of the first blogs I followed and you always gave timely advice. Then I was delighted that I ended up on your Reader page. So I am very very glad you hung in there.

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        1. It worked okay on my film review post the other day. But this time it wasn’t there. I looked at WP Help, and it was screens of ‘how to’. None of it made much sense. I will try again one day.


  4. I’ve gotten used to the new Block Editor now, and since I’m writing everything on my Ipad with my keyboard attached to it, I’m luckily not having much trouble at the moment with it. But yeah, the old editor is and was much better. I’m glad that you are back though Pete, I would miss your posts very much😔😊

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      1. Doesn’t help with copying a post though as that forces you into the BE. I have to save the draft with a new title and then open it with the classic editor option under the post. What a pain!

        Liked by 3 people

  5. Block Editor has become a road block for old bloggers. But old bloggers who do not suffer from writer’s block have found a way around it. Young bloggers who have been around the block when it comes to coping with upgrades do not have a mental block when it comes to using Block Editor.

    Liked by 2 people

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