Literary inspirations

At a time when I am finding it impossible to finish reading a book, and also experiencing a slow-down in my desire to write, I thought I would reblog this 2015 post about my love of books, and some recommendations of those I have read in the past. Some of you (Jude, Sue, Cindy, David) have already read it. But since 2015, I have welcomed many new followers.


I have never written about books on this blog. Considering the amount of words I have written about so many other things, this fact has just struck me. It has been a glaring omission, and one I will attempt to rectify with this post. It will not be a series, so don’t worry.

Many blogs on the Internet are about books and literature. Some recommend good new reads, most promote the work of the blogger themselves. Others quote from classical literature, or delve into its origins and meanings. I won’t be doing any of that. Do I write because I used to read, or did I read because I wanted to write? The answer is probably neither of those options. I started writing at school like most of us do, as it is compulsory. But I didn’t read for that reason, I did it for enjoyment, education, and a desire…

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16 thoughts on “Literary inspirations

  1. Wow! When you aren’t in a writing mood and remember posting about the great books…well, we followers have as much joy reading that post as you did writing. I also commented on your original post. It was terrific!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Of the books on your list, I’ve read: Moby Dick, (was forced to in high school. Hated it) Catcher in the Rye, (meh) Great Expectations, (I love all things Charles Dickens) and Christine (Loved it). I want to read By Reason of Insanity. I’ve heard of it before. Thanks for reminding me. Sounds great.

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    1. I think Catcher In The Rye is a ‘boy’s book’, Pam I certainly identified with Holden, despite living in a different country. I enjoyed the character descriptions in Moby Dick. They made me able to visualise them completely.
      Thanks, Pam.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

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