Guest Post: The Hungry Hound

I am delighted to feature blogger, poet, and published writer, Kevin Morris. You can read more of Kevin’s blog by following that link.

The Hungry Hound

I am Trigger.
My Stomach is bigger
Than you think.
Your lunch will be gone in the blink
Of an eye.
Then away I fly.
Should you ask, “who stole my lunch?” I reply,
“Not I”
But, dear reader, I lie …!
I have been known to eat plastic.
My reach is elastic.
You think your food safe?
My friend brace
Yourself for a shock
For I will gobble the lot!
Be it ever so hot!

(The above poem was dedicated to my guide dog Trigger, who sadly died
in 2020, but lives on in my heart).

Kevin’s published poems are available online from Amazon.

He is also featured in an anthology, details from this link.

60 thoughts on “Guest Post: The Hungry Hound

            1. Quite a lot of my poetry does in fact come to me while walking, particularly in parkland and other beautiful places. I shall, however try not to distract my new four legged friend with my verse! All the best. Kevin

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  1. I so wish I could read this book, the poetry looks so beautiful. I have followed Morris, hope to find some really good blogs there too. Thank you for introducing him to me, Pete. You are doing a great job💙.

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    1. Many thanks for your kind comments, Suzan and for following my blog. Thanks also for your interest in my books. If you have any queries about my poetry please do feel free to contact me via the contact page on my blog. Best wishes. Kevin

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            1. No problem. My second guide dog was called Zeff. Due to his habit of putting his front paws on my friends legs and bouncing, he was known as Tigger. Indeed he had the nickname prior to me being given him. Best wishes. Kevin

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