The Fat Lady Has Sung

As the old saying goes, “It’s not all over until the fat lady sings”.

Well, it’s the 28th of December, and I can hear her. It is finally all over for another year, despite today being a public holiday in England.

Yesterday was a very long day. Up early to get everything ready, then five adults and three children arrived for a buffet meal that lasted from two in the afternoon until nine at night. Piles of presents handed out, and some fun games played. Noise levels that could drown out an F-15 jet fighter from nearby Lakenheath Air Base, and just enough places for everyone to take a turn in sitting down.

Ollie was so stressed out by all the comings and goings, he got grumpy and started growling at people. That was a first for him. He must be becoming a party-pooper in his old age, despite receiving a gift of a stuffed snowman almost as big as him.

At the end of it all, it looked as if the house had been burgled. We were too tired to do anything except flop on the sofa in the sudden quiet, and then have an early night. That means that we have to face a mountain of washing up this morning, followed by storing away folding chairs, closing up the extended dining table into a more manageable size, then have a good look under all the furniture to find what was dropped during the evening.

There is enough leftover food to provide dinners for today and tomorrow. On Thursday, we have our last Christmas present arriving. The delivery of a traditional English High Tea, ordered by one of my step-daughters. The uneaten snacks, crips, nuts, and chocolate should see us through until March.

At least I don’t have to go out today, except to walk Ollie later. It has been raining heavily for over twelve hours now, and everything is damp and dismal.

Next up is New Year’s Eve. Just the two of us, and hopefully still awake at midnight.

61 thoughts on “The Fat Lady Has Sung

  1. Christmas Eve at our house on top of a rocky hill in Southwest Texas was about what I expected. Children with feral grandchildren, wine, and Irish whiskey. Steaks on the grill then consumed on the patio under bright Texas moon with a warm breeze blowing the pollen and dust into our every pore. After the children demolished our house and a few precious belongings, the group departed leaving the wife and me to straighten up the abode. We slept like the dead. Like you, the next experience will be the coming New Year, which we have no plans to leave our home for the two days. Poor Ollie, elder dogs have no patience, sort of like their elder owners.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Well done for making it this far Pete.
    I made sure to buy some Rennie to deal with all the leftover, meats, snacks and cakes that I will have to plough through in the coming weeks 🙂 After the excitement so far we have decided to hide away for New Year 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. New Year’s Eve will be quiet, as usual. We tend to have a selection of Tapas items, and mixed cured meats. A slow graze, with warm bread and balsamic vinegar dip, followed by a leftover cheese selection if we are still hungry. If I make it to midnight aftre necking a bottle of red, that’s a bonus.
      Cheers, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m exhausted just reading this! Finley sends good wishes to Ollie for rest and relaxation now with Mom and Dad. Most times the chaotic of family is just beautiful; but it’s only human to need it to end. I was accused of living in my RV for four years to avoid big gatherings. Hmmm., I guess that’s true since we all gathered at my Mom’s. Back in the day I used to host all families. As much as I soak it in, it can still be draining. I wish you both, and your entire family, a prosperous new year of peace and good health, Pete!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome, Pete. I completely understand about the R.V. in your area. When my two sons joined the Air Force and my health forced me out of my career, it was a simple life. And here in the U.S. it’s like traveling to different countries to find just the right temps when you need them. I’m enjoying my little stick and brick home now (no wheels under me anymore!). Thank you for the 2022 wishes! Take care!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Poor Ollie! It must be rather overwhelming for him as he is used to peace and quiet and he had all the excitement of his presents the other day, so I don’t doubt he got fractious! The after-party clean up. I do not envy you but at least it’s over for another year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We have just finished the clear-up, Carolyn. Julie did 6 loads of washing up and drying, and I took Ollie out in the pouring rain before facing the overcrowded garage to put everything away.
      Doing nothing for the rest of the evening now! 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. It’s all the noise that gets to us in a family gathering. Fortunately we live so far away now that they prefer to visit during the summer when they can make the most of the beaches and be outdoors!

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  6. Sounds like you have had some hectic days….Ollie has the right idea….I am not one that likes too many around me at one time…..Sue and I will have a quiet nite as well…just the two of us to ring in the new year. chuq

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Rich. We have quite a large living room, two big sofas, and a footstool. But at a push that only seats 7. I think all the adults managed to be sitting at the same time for ten minutes, while the kids were running around. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.


  7. Happy new year, in advance, to you & Julie, Pete. You probably won’t be surprised that I don’t bother with any celebrations: it just seems like a lot of fuss about nothing—just an arbitrary date system advancing. I’m already into the new solar year, after the winter solstice, although I won’t see a significant change for a few weeks yet, but we’re on the up again. I hope you enjoy the peace & quiet after all the mayhem! Cheers, Jon.

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  8. We did the same yesterday though on a smaller scale, half of our family had to cancel because one of them has covid. Lots of food left over and like you we’ll be eating the left overs for some time to come! Glad it’s all over now.

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    1. Once we have cleared everything away this morning, I foresee a huge ‘flop’ in front of the telly this evening. Julie is back at work for three days tomorrow, so will need a rest tonight.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Stevie. I just went to the back-up fridge in the shed to get some bacon out, and it’s blowing a gale!
      Julie is working her way through yesterday’s washing up. I’m not allowed to help, as it is the ‘good set’ of crockery. 🙂
      Happy new year to you and your family.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

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