Seasonal Buns

Hot Cross Buns are a treat at Easter, even though they are now sold all year round. The spicy fruit buns have a dense quality, delicious with butter inside. The crosses on the top signify the religious connection from centuries ago.

Last year, Julie tried making some, and the resulting buns were delicious.

Home Made Buns For Easter

Today, she has tweaked the recipe, and achieved a really professional finish, with the added bonus that her home-made buns are so much tastier than any bought in shops.

I can’t wait to try some once they cool down a bit!

61 thoughts on “Seasonal Buns

  1. I’ve seen seasonal buns on the beach. I hope you’re not cross with me for mentioning that. In any event (Easter, for example), they do look delicious! (The buns in the photo, not the ones on the beach. Although…)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I used to make my own when the kids were at home, now I refrain from baking because there is only the two of us to eat what I make. And we only ever use real butter. There is no better taste.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We always have real butter in the house, but I never use it on sandwiches or toast. I keep it as a ‘treat’.
      Julie gave 4 of the buns to our next door neighbours, and will probably give a couple more away. We will eat the rest over 2 days while they are fresh.
      Best wishes, Pete. x


      1. REAL BUTTER…I used it so little but when I do, it’s magical! I shot a TV pilot in my kitchen with two Chefs once and they had a three pound block of it sitting all day on the counter…

        Liked by 1 person

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