By My Standards, A Busy day

I don’t do a lot. Blogging, cooking, a bit of housework, and taking Ollie out on his walks. I don’t feel guilty about that, as I am retired, and worked hard to be able to do very little now.

But today felt busy. I was up early, in the bath, then dressed and ready to go out before ten. (Early by my standards) Of course, as I headed off to my bank in Dereham, I forgot it was Market Day. Despite the once substantial and thriving market now amounting to just four of five stalls as a mobile coffee bar, the local people still set great store by ‘Market Day’.

As a result, the first two car parks were already full, and I eventually found a space in one of the less popular ones heading out of town. Then when I got to the bank, there was a decent queue of ‘Market Day’ customers doing their banking, so I had to wait almost thirty minutes to sort out what I had gone there to do.

Then it was off to Swaffham, to collect Ollie’s arthritis painkillers. Twelve miles each way, including a delay at the Vet’s because they couldn’t find Ollie on the computer system. It seems my London accent was to blame. The lady was looking for ‘Holly’, presuming my accent had dropped the ‘H’. (Quite amusing, really)

Back in time for a late lunchtime sandwich, then out onto Beetley Meadows for the dog walk. On the way, I encountered a lady who has recently moved in two doors down, and we chatted for a while. Then over on The Meadows, we met up with a lady dog walker and chatted about my driving licence saga, which she knows about from reading my blog.

By the time Ollie had managed a decent walk, including three dips in the river because it was 26C (79F) and sunny, Julie was home from work, and we sat and chatted for a while.

So, no serial episode has been written, and I am now about to start preparing dinner.

Sorry about that.

51 thoughts on “By My Standards, A Busy day

  1. Hi Pete, sounds like a really busy day.
    Time flews so fast.

    Our cruise to Svalboard and Norway was so stunning. So many wonderful impressions. We will always remember that.
    Unfortunately many people on board had cough and sneeze. So we arrived at home and realized that we had contracted Corona.

    Luckily I had a mild course and was negative again after a week. However, I am still very weak.
    I just lay there for two weeks, did nothing, didn’t even feel like turning on the computer to read your blog. I’ll go back to work tomorrow. I hope that soon I won’t be so tired anymore.
    Best wishes, Irene

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Irene, I am so sorry to hear that you caught Covid-19 on your trip. That’s the problem with being around a lot of other people in confined spaces, I suppose. But I am glad it was a memorable holiday.
      Best wishes, Pete.


      1. Yes, that’s right. But I was hoping that everything would go well. Last October we were on a ship on the Baltic Sea for a week, so we came home healthy. But fever was measured every day when you disembarked or wanted to go back on board. In addition, the ship was not fully occupied at the time. Everything had worked out better.
        Now there were only recommendations to wear a mask, but it was not mandatory.
        Well, it is what it is. I’ve had a sore throat for a few days and the coughing has gotten worse again.
        But it will be better some day. It’s my own fault. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  2. A busy day indeed. When our lives don’t follow the standard timetable, it’s easy to forget about market days and other joys of life. The Holly comment made me think about pronouns, gender, and dogs… Keep going with all the activity, Pete, and all the best to Julie and Ollie.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I expect that most of us cannot get everything accomplished that we would love to get done in the course of a day …that is why I say, “Never do anything today that can be put off until tomorrow.”

    Liked by 1 person

      1. and, if you are anything at all like me, you will discover that your technique often reveals that some of the things you once thought were absolutely a priority to get done turned out to be not so important after all. It is kind of like appetite .. I have often found out that something I thought I could not do without was, after all was said and done, very much something that I thought I needed but actually did not.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I do not know where the time goes these days but it just flies. I can’t seem to get as much done as I used to when I had to fit in work too! So far this “retirement” has taken a lot of endurance! Love that Ollie is doing well and enjoying the cool water! Hugs, C

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I did 12-hour shifts for 12 years. That meant 14 hours including travelling. 70 hours at work, followed by 3 days off, one of those asleep after night duty. 10 years later, I am still tired!
      Best wishes, pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I went to the post office to send a book and take care of a delivery issue (confirmed stolen), then stopped by the grocery store, collected the mail, and quenched the thirst of a few outdoor plants. And it’s only 10:13 in the morning.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pete, a busy day of the “must get done” that sometimes go smoothly, and sometimes take forever…but great productivity, Ollie got the walk, and now a nice night with Julie! Cheers!

    Liked by 2 people

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