Both Unwell

Just a quick update.

Ollie managed to finally lie down at 10:30pm last night. He also had a drink of water, his first for over 10 hours. He is not that much better today, and was very stiff-legged on his short walk. But at least he can rest properly now.

I am also unwell, so I will not be posting anything, or reading anyone else’s posts today. Sorry about that.

I hope to be able to get around to replying to all the comments on my posts tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I am going back to bed.

86 thoughts on “Both Unwell

  1. Pete, try giving Ollie some warm organic bone broth over his food, or just to drink. It’s a super food and is full of nutrients. A Texas A & M vet friend of mine said it’s the one thing that will keep old dogs healthy. My French Bulldog lived to be almost 15 and she had bone broth everyday for 7 years. Hope both of you are on the mend.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. In my experience all the really nasty stuff seems to pile onto us at the same time. I am so vividly sorry for the misfortunes that are plaguing you and dear Ollie at this time and I know you are not particularly religious but I am praying for yours and Ollies recovery anyway. Get your needed rest and do not slack youself on it … get all the rest that you can and please please feel better soon … you and Ollie are both dear to me and I want you to be well and happy. No need to respond to this. Just know that I am sincere.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks very much, Cheryl. The heat gave me a very upset stomach, plus the stress with Ollie didn’t help. We are both somewhat brighter this morning.
      Best wishes, Pete. x


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