The Last Sunday Musings For September

It has felt like a long week, for no good reason. Perhaps because Monday was a Public Holiday for the Queen’s funeral, the days have been out of synch.


Unusually, everything closed for the day on Monday. No shops opened, not even for reduced hours. So my usual supermarket shop had to be put off until Tuesday. That made Tuesday feel like Monday, and every day after that just felt in the wrong place. By Thursday, we were both convinced it was Friday, and I was wondering why the TV was showing programmes on the wrong day.


For Ollie of course, nothing changed. As long as he got his routine in the right order, and his walks at the right time, he didn’t notice any changes. On Friday, I had to drive to the Vet to get his repeat prescription. I had added an extra, a steroid cream that helps heal a sore spot on his chest. It worked exceptionally well in July, but soon ran out. I wanted to have some more just in case, so asked for another tube. That increased the bill to a mammoth £91. I had to remind myself once again that he is always completely worth the expense.


After the relentless 10-day TV coverage of all things Royal, the normal news returned and I finally found out what had been happening in places other than Balmoral, Windsor castle, Westminster Abbey, and in countries outside Britain. Naturally, Monday was written off, with 24-hour coverage of the funeral on all main TV channels. Once they got back to normal on Tuesday, all the schedules had to be ‘bumped up’ by one day.


Out on the dog-walks, we caught up with some friends (and their dogs) we had missed for the week we were away in Lincolnshire. It was back to greeting familiar dogs for Ollie, and marking his territory with an intensity that had to be seen.


Wherever you are, and whatever you are doing, I hope that you have a peaceful and happy Sunday.


53 thoughts on “The Last Sunday Musings For September

  1. The TV coverage here wasn’t as extensive, and I was bored to tears of it already, so I can imagine what it must have been like there, and the added confusion of the day off. I hope Ollie is better soon and things go back to normal. Stay well and let’s hope October brings some bright spots…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. 24/7 in NZ as well- and its not over here yet. Today is our Queens day off and we have a service in Wellington today which will be televised.
    We have an annual Queens birthday off, as well as each region In NZ has their own anniversary day.
    So today as is usual on a public holiday, keep off the roads as all the cyclists are clogging the roads & ‘goats towing boats’ are heading to the lakes.
    And does the average person know why they got a day off?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. (1) My dishes have been out of sync all week long.
    (2) Psychiatrists are always available at reduced hours. Their hours are only 45 to 55 minutes long.
    (3) Repeat prescription:
    Veterinarian: “Your Weimaraner is going to need a 19-ounce tube of Lordov Ringworm Formula K-9. That’ll run you £54.”
    Dog Owner: “Say what?”
    Veterinarian: “Your Weimaraner is going to need s 19-ounce tube of Lordov Ringworm Formula K-9. That’ll run you £54.”
    (4) I think the world was feeling blue on Monday because everyone held their breath during the funeral, including the queen.
    (5) I once read that model citizens are more interested in catwalks than dog walks.
    (6) On Sunday, we’re hosting a block party! Bagpipes, trumpets, trombones. Bongos, gongs, kazoos. Attendees who wish to contribute to the festive atmosphere are encouraged to bring air horns. It all gets started at 10:00 this evening!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. My Sunday is going remarkably well, Pete and thank you. My friend, Jimmy, and I are going to a pretzel festival in an adjoining community later on today and we are having roast beef and rice for lunch today. I am so glad Ollie is getting along alright and I hope you are feel good too …It must feel really good to have the driving license nightmare behind you …will you have to repeat that again sometime?

    Liked by 1 person

      1. The pretzel festival was a nightmare surge, a sea of humanity, none of them keeping social distance or wearing a mask, the pretzels were a horrible rip-off at Five U.S. dollars each, I will not repeat the experience again. I will be lucky if I do not have a covid rebound from this one.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Dear Pete, also in Germany the TV was full with reportings about the queen`s funural.
    Good to have netflix or something else. 🙂

    Welcome in your normaly routine. I wish you, Julie and Ollie a very nice Sunday.
    Best wishes, Irene

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