London Traders And Trades: Photos By John Claridge

During the 1960s, John Claridge took hundreds of photos in the poorer multicultural districts of East London that he knew well. I have featured his work before on this blog, and recently found some more of his interesting portraits. The areas he photographed have changed completely since that decade, and these have immense historical value.

The Groundsman at The Memorial Sports Grounds. He was responsible for the upkeep of the sports pitches.

A Kosher Chicken slaughterman.

A lady selling sweets from a small kiosk, posing with her new gumball machine.

Wrapping spices in a spice dealer’s large warehouse.

A Muslim butcher posing outside his shop.

This lady butcher wanted to be photographed with her finest cut of meat.

The workers on a street fish stall, setting up. They have just received their delivery from the north coast.

A newsagent outside his small shop. The headline to his right is announcing the death of Walt Disney.

Secondhand shoe-seller with a street stall.

A Jewish lady inside her strudel bakerry.

Shopkeeper poses outside a very small grocery shop.

Selling hot saveloys from a stall. For anyone not familiar with a saveloy, they are something like a cross between a hot dog and a larger sausage.

32 thoughts on “London Traders And Trades: Photos By John Claridge

  1. (1) I prefer coffee grounds to sports grounds. Lawyers, of course, appreciate a client’s grounds for divorce.
    (2) Chicken farmer: “And that there, over by the compost, is what I call a kosher chicken. I’m sending it to a special place next week.”
    (3) The lady should paint tiny alien motifs on her gumballs and sell them as Spaceballs.
    (4) Did the Spice Girls ever do rap?
    (5) You can’t actually see the lady butcher. Presumably, he’s lurking in the shadows behind the woman, butcher knife in hand, ready for the bloody kill…
    (6) “Quit your stalling! Sell the fish already!”
    (7) Walt Disney is turning over in his grave these days. The Magic Kingdom has lost its magic.
    (8) I tried putting a shoe on my second hand. But it cramped my fingers.
    (9) I’m looking forward to a serial featuring Mrs. Strudel. I have a half-baked idea for the storyline you could use.
    (10) I didn’t know lions made ice cream. What do hyenas make?
    (11) According to Porky Pig, saveloys were originally made with pork brains. To this day, he laments the fate of some of his ancestors.

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  2. Never heard of a saveloy! Interesting faces and mostly they look quite cheerful as opposed to faces from earlier times in similar settings. I think life had improved in small but significant ways?

    Liked by 1 person

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