Editing Help: A Request From Me

Lorraine is a blogger and writer that I follow. After she had treatment to cure cancer, it left her totally blind. She manages to write her blog posts and books with the help of her husband, but as he is disabled, it is a struggle for them both as a couple.

She is in the process of writing a book about her medical treatment, cancer recovery, and her journey into blindness. Four chapters in, she realises she needs an editor. But she cannot afford to pay anyone, and her husband doesn’t have the experience or skills necessary. This could well be a book that inspires many people with similar conditions.

So I am reaching out to the blogging community. (Lorraine did not ask me to do this.)

Do you, or anyone you know, have the time to help Lorraine edit her book? I have no doubt this would be a challenging project to take on, but the rewards will be great too.

If you think you can help, please leave a comment on Lorraine’s post by following this link. Do not answer me in the comments, as I am not going to be around on my blog for a while after today.


Thanks in advance, Pete.

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