October Gloom

This is definitely the worst October I can remember since moving away from London. A whole month with little more than gloomy skies, low cloud, and incessant rain.

Floods, cold weather arriving early, and everything feeling damp. Eastern England (and eastern Scotland) has been caught in a relentless cycle of bad weather that has been circling the country for weeks. Feeling more like winter than autumn most days, it brings on a mood that is hard to shake.

Muddy dog walks have arrived early too, having to wear rubber boots and trudge through mud while holding an umbrella to avoid a complete soaking.

My SAD lamp has been on every afternoon, and the lights in the house have to stay on at late as 10am, sometimes all day. When the sun tries to break through it is low in the sky, and has a watery look to it. But it does little more than briefly illuminate the low cloud.

On Friday morning the mist was so thick, I couldn’t see the house across the street. Today is forecast to be sunny, but there is no sign of that so far, just a blanket of grey.

I cannot wait to see the end of this dismal month, and my fingers are crossed for some crisp and clear weather in November.

63 thoughts on “October Gloom

  1. I’m sorry to hear this Pete! The gloomy weather can certainly affect our interior disposition. Keep that SAD light on, enjoy a spot of tea, watch a humorous movie! Those are my tips. I’m wishing you some clear sunny days…hugs, C

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  2. I would offer to send you some sunshine, but our weather has turned much the same as yours, and we’re even predicted to get snow next week. Sorry. Yes, the weather DOES contribute to a feeling of sadness and depression. I have to ask, though … what is a SAD lamp? Does it dispel the gloom, because if it does, I’m getting one!!! Hugs, my friend.

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    1. SAD stands for seasonal affective disorder, the mood that descends on some people when it is always dull or dark. So I use my SAD lamp next to my PC in the afternoons, and a few hours in the muted light makes me feel less obsessed with the dull weather. There are many available, but I use one bought from Amazon. It is the size of an I-Pad, and reasonably priced. This link shows what they are like. No need to pay more than $35 for one, my one cost £24 some years ago. https://archive.thestrategist.co.uk/article/best-sad-lights-experts.html
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ahhhh … I should have known that! Thanks, Pete. I may just look into getting one of those … couldn’t hurt, could it? It won’t cure the world problems that cause my own depression, but a bit of a brighter world inside might help chase away the gloom outside the window. Thanks for the article … I had no idea!

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  3. Are you are you sure the East of England and Scotland have not been transported to the Pacific North Wet? Warmest regards, Ed


  4. with the world news it’s hard for anyone to be positive. It does make a difference to one’s mood when the sun does come out. We do have to be grateful to still have a home, whether you’re in Gaza or Yorkshire, to lose one’s home must be devastating.

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  5. A week ago (October 21), the high was 95° F (35° C). Today’s high is forecast to be a cool 77° F (25° C). It’s sunny this morning with nary a cloud to be seen. We had a pleasant late afternoon walk through Clark County Wetlands Park yesterday, and although the sky was full of clouds, except for above the Spring Mountains in the west, we had no need to wear a jacket or sweater, and was treated to a fabulously fiery sunset. We saw both a roadrunner and a coyote during our walk, but not at the same time or place. We also numerous birds, including one great blue heron that was poking its beat in the Las Vegas Wash in search of fish for dinner.

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  6. Hope you get a clear and crisp and sunny November! Here the weather turned cold abruptly and we’re seeing frost on the pumpkins. But at least today it is sunny and clear, and should make for some good hiking weather.

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  7. I am afraid that this winter is going to end up being the worst winter on record. I am predicting some temperatures as cold as 50 to 60 degrees below zero in some instances as global warming continues to do it’s thing… we might actually see some sub-polar temperatures if some of those Arctic Jet Stream things sweep through.

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  8. Yes, it is difficult to stay positive with the knowledge that another 4 months of winter are before us. To me, I see the year dying now, with the fall of the leaves. Combine that with Remembrance Day, all about the dead, and it’s no wonder some people become depressed. However, this year I’m enjoying retirement and the fact I can do what I want when I want and don’t have to get up early and go out to work in the dark. I haven’t needed to put my SAD lamp on just yet. I tell myself to stay positive and that the winter will pass.

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