Thinking Aloud on a Sunday

On with the motley.

I woke up thinking about this today. Many of us know the word from the opera, Pagliacci. The tragic clown puts on his costume and make-up, (the motley) and has to entertain the crowd, despite his sadness.

What faces do bloggers like us show to the world? We publish our posts about things that interest us, and may interest others. Writing, photos, cute animals, poetry, and so much more. Our opinions, our politics, sometimes hopes and fears. We may have a photo on our blog, showing us smiling out at the world, enjoying an exotic holiday, or a potentially dangerous adventure.

Some of us write up posts most days; hosting challenges, reviewing things, reblogging the work of others, or just saying what we are going to do today, or what we did yesterday. Beneath all these musings and meanderings there are our real lives. The lives that are not virtual, where we are not always smiling in a photo, or comparing the work of film directors. Lives that are often hard, difficult to endure; waking up to problems, and the daily grind of getting by.

My own life is far from perfect. Since the end of 2015, we have gone through a lot. Family issues, work problems, emotional upsets, and too many bereavements to recall. And nothing is yet resolved, with more stress to face. Physical deterioration making things harder to achieve; and facing up to getting old, with the benefits that brings often outweighed by the realisation of the passing of time that is gone forever. But none of us really want to read about all that stuff, because we are dealing with it ourselves. We seek diversion, we look for the motley, not wishing to discover the sadness behind the show.

So the blogging is our costume, and the posts and photos our stage make-up. Write the post, hit publish, and start again. On with the motley.

Just some thoughts, on a Sunday.

See you in a week or so.

60 thoughts on “Thinking Aloud on a Sunday

  1. Pete, my interaction with social media is mostly geared towards creative efforts, the occasional interesting anecdote, and, of course, writing a blog reply here and there. I am actually very upbeat in my private moments, and learned many years ago that it’s useless to stress out in difficult times (which has pretty much been my entire life!). My answer to stress is, “What’s the worse that could happen? I’m still alive, right?” This may sound odd, but the happiest time in my life was the 17 months of intermittent homelessness I spent in Paris during the period January 1994-May 1995. I hadn’t a care in the world—except the next meal.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good to hear that what we see is what is there, in your case.
      It is good to have a refreshingly positive outlook on life, something I have been trying to embrace during this past year.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. We might only share part of what we do, think, or feel, but somehow, the blogs I read have become a part of my life, much more than what I watch on TV (not much these days), and have become conversations across space and time. Thanks so much for your posts and enjoy your days off, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love your words blogging is our costume as indeed it is most of tbe time. Occassionally I let the mask slip but having to get dressed and put on that costume lifts my spirits most of the time…Nice post 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I hadn’t realised that motley had that definition. I was only aware of the ragtag disparate group one. So I learned something today. Thanks.

    Putting on the motley, though, is something I always do and have always done. If anyone should ask how I am doing, the answer will always be “fine.”

    That one word covers everything from “This is the worst day ever,” to “This is the best day ever.”

    Putting on the motley. Maybe I’ll start saying that instead.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. My, you are made of solemn stuff. Of course, you are right, and your reference to the motley is absolutely spot on. Yes, this blogging and writing is a diversion and the mood swings, the disappointments, the boredom, the entrapment, the claustrophobia, the anger, the angst, the bereavements, the loneliness, and the desire to hide can feel all-consuming. This writing stuff keeps us (me) grounded in the positive and prevents utter depression.
    I hope your day is shiny with lots of laughter.
    You are liked! xxoo

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Cindy. Not always solemn of course, but reflective this morning.
      Not much shine of anything today, including in the sky. However, I managed quite a few laughs, and we are off to the restaurant soon.
      Thanks for your kind words.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. You are right, Pete, that we only share a part of ourselves and our lives on-line. I do think though, that for many of us that write, our poetry and writing are outpourings from our souls and hearts and our daily lives confrontations, ups and downs are reflected in those outpourings. The joy of blogging is that you meet and make friends with many other people who express themselves in the same way that you do and they can read between the lines and celebrate, sympathise or just enjoy who you are and what you are experiencing.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. I am enjoying your Sunday thinking aloud posts, Pete. We write what we’re passionate about. There’s not much passion in our daily troubles. Motley… I like that word. Did you use it in “M”?

    Liked by 1 person

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