Blogger’s Books: Robbie Cheadle

Today, I am delighted to be featuring the new book by the lovely Robbie Cheadle, and her son, Michael. Robbie is my kind of blogger; committed, engaged, and generous with her time and comments. Robbie blogs from her home in South Africa, the land that brings us gold and diamonds, and perhaps more importantly, my favourite red wine, Pinotage. She has sent me an introduction, and a short bio too. Please enjoy her work, and if you think it might appeal to you, links are available at the end.

Thank you, Pete, for inviting Michael and I over for a visit to tell you about our new book Sir Chocolate and the Condensed Milk River story and cookbook.

When Michael was learning to read, he would do anything to distract me from the work at hand. He started off by running away but later that year he got cleverer and he started making up stories. He quickly realized that I was also easily distracted from the boring task of learning sight words when he started talking about his imaginary world where you could eat everything, even the flowers, trees and houses. Sir Chocolate was born and we developed his character and those of his friends during these conversations. When Michael started learning how to write, it quickly became apparent that it was very hard for him and a processing disorder was diagnosed. We started writing his little stories down together as a nice way of practicing something that was very difficult for him.

Michael and I wrote Sir Chocolate and the Condensed Milk River while we were on holiday in Ballito, a sea-side holiday town in KwaZulu Natal. My sister and her little girl, Emily, were staying with us in a holiday house and one unusually cold morning we were all sitting chatting and drinking cocoa made with condensed milk to warm us up, when the idea of a river made of condensed milk was born. By the end of the morning the whole story had been discussed and written and read out loud to all the other children. They loved it and the idea was so much fun that Michael and I were very easily able to make [and eat] all the delightful illustrations including this lovely condensed milk pool.

Please explore Robbie’s book collection via these links. You can buy them at very reasonable prices.

Here is Robbie’s own bio, by way of introduction.

About Robbie and Michael Cheadle

Robbie Cheadle was born in London in the United Kingdom. Her father died when she was three months old and her mother emigrated to South Africa with her tiny baby girl. Robbie has lived in Johannesburg, George, and Cape Town in South Africa and attended fourteen different schools. This gave her lots of opportunities to meet new people and learn lots of social skills as she was frequently “the new girl”.
Robbie is a qualified Chartered Accountant and specialises in corporate finance with a specific interest in listed entities and stock markets. Robbie has written a number of publications on listing equities and debt instruments in Africa and foreign direct investment into Africa.
Robbie is married to Terence Cheadle and they have two lovely boys, Gregory and Michael. Michael (aged 11) is the co-author of the Sir Chocolate series of books and attends school in Johannesburg. Gregory (aged 14) is an avid reader and assists Robbie and Michael with filming and editing their YouTube videos and editing their books. Robbie is also the author of the new Silly Willy series the first of which, Silly Willy goes to Cape Town, is now available.

Robbie’s own blog can be found here. Please visit, whenever you have the chance.

Robbie’s inspiration

Many of you will have seen Robbie’s comments on my blog posts, and on many others in our small community. Let’s all try to give her the support she deserves, by sharing her links, and if you feel inclined to, buying her books. Best wishes to you all, Pete.

97 thoughts on “Blogger’s Books: Robbie Cheadle

    1. Thanks, Tandy. I have tried Pinotage sold by many different companies in the UK, and also drink Shiraz, Merlot, Barbera D’Asti, Chianti, Pugliese, Pinot Noir, and Garnacha. In fact, almost anything, as long as it is red! 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 2 people

  1. What a splendid collaboration! You and Michael make the best team. I love his imagination. Many congratulations on your new book. Hugs to you both. ❤️❤️❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Wonderful to read this Robbie and thank you Pete for guesting dear Robbie and Michael..
    Robbie is amazing in her achievements..
    That Condensed Milk River I smiled at, as it is years since i had condensed milk.. It would be the thing to have on our tinned fruit on a Sunday when I was a child.. 🙂

    have a lovely day.. Sue 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks very much for your comment, Sue. Like you, I haven’t had condensed milk since I was very young, and may well find it too sweet now. I am always happy to promote fellow bloggers, and Robbie is a great example of a good blogging friend.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. How lovely to find out a little more about Robbie and Michael it is always lovely to get an insight into the authors and makes a book that much more special. I love these books and think they will make a lovely present 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Many thanks, Kim. Robbie is a real delight. Perhaps you could arrange to review her book?
      I am sure she could send you a copy. (As long as you don’t read too many that week…)
      Best wishes as always, Pete.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Elizabeth, I am glad you enjoyed this post. Our books are a family undertaking. Michael is our ideas man and is really handy in the kitchen too. My solemn Greg films and edits our YouTube videos and I read him a lot of my poetry as he gives interesting commentary.

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