Posting By Numbers

I failed to notice that I had tipped over the 2000 posts mark on this blog recently. This one makes 2044. I have been blogging for six years, since my first post in 2012. That averages out to 340 a year, though of course recent years have seen a marked increase in my output.

Having such a huge archive can play tricks with your memory. I have to try to remember to always use my search facility before writing a new draft, in case I have previously posted something very similar on the same subject. A random flick through my old posts will show that I have written about the same films and songs on numerous occasions, albeit for different reasons. Annual themes of weather changes, seasonal events, and Ollie’s adventures always crop up of course, and the only posts that are really original are the fiction pieces, and the Thinking Aloud series.

This blog started out, as for many others, as something of a personal diary. I intended to look back on it much later, and remember what had happened, and what had changed over the years. But it got much bigger than that, becoming a part of my life, rather than a reflection of it. I had never imagined at the start that I would write about Blogging itself. But a quick check on my figures shows that almost a quarter of my posts, 478, are mainly about that.

I never intended to ever publish fiction on this blog. But I later succumbed to the desire to do so, and have since posted 184 original pieces in that category. My lifetime love of film and cinema soon began to transfer to the blog too, becoming one of the categories that attracted a lot of new followers. Posts appearing in that category now number 330.

Almost two years ago, one of my earliest followers dropped off this blog. She had usually commented on most posts, and we sometimes communicated by email outside of the comments threads. I was concerned that she might have been unwell, so sent her an email expressing concern for her absence. She sent a short reply, telling me that she no longer followed my blog. “You post too much, too often, and I can’t keep up”. That was a surprise for me to hear, as I know a lot of bloggers who post five or six times a day, every day. But I thanked her for her previous contributions, and wished her well. I did think about what she had said though, and gave it serious consideration.

But I just couldn’t stop myself. Sorry.

67 thoughts on “Posting By Numbers

    1. Thanks, Abbi. You are right, we don’t have to read everything. And I am glad you are part of the blogging community. I tend to read everything because I have time to do so. But most people have to get on with life first. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.


  1. Once you are an established blogger, you won’t really mind if you blog every day or not. I guess, the more, the better. I always love seeing posts from bloggers I follow including you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I seem to stay behind these days, but I do not think you post too much at all-and what you do post is interesting and I confess that sometimes, I “save” your post to read when I am not in a rush, for I want to enjoy. Congratulations and one day – you will have to say the same to me . . but, that is a long ways off!! haha! your fan, Michele

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You go to your Site Admin dashboard.
      On the left hand menu, go down to ‘Posts’
      From the options that appear in that section, select ‘Categories’.
      Each category has a number on the far right, under the word ‘Count’.
      Click the number, and it will show you all the posts you have ever included in that category. You can go back to the most recent one, or ‘fast forward/back’ to the first one you ever wrote. There are <> and double <> symbols, for one page, or all the way.

      Alternatively, use your own Search Box, on any main page of your blog. Type in a key word, say ‘Ollie’ in my case, and it will list every post including that name or tag, newest first.

      Hope that helps. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Congrats Pete! That’s some dedication posting on average every day. Sometimes re posting a previous topic is a bad thing all together especially if you last posted a long time ago. In fact it would be interesting to see how your writing style, and point of view on the same matter has changed over time.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Belated Congratulations on another milestone for you Pete! I too lost an early follower who commented regularly on my blog. I had the feeling I’d inadvertently offended her with a light hearted remark, with no intention at all. That’s the challenge of the written word, isn’t it? People can’t hear the tone in your voice or see the twinkle in your eye. It can be a balancing act.. Sometimes when I ask my husband his opinion of a post I am working on he says, it’s up to you, you’re the CEO and I’m reminded, it’s my blog and I can post what I want to! You know the song, right?? 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. ‘It’s My Party, by Lesley Gore!
      Thanks, Susanne. That huge number escaped my notice, for some reason. One of the reasons I started to use a lot of smiley faces in my replies was so that people would realise I was only teasing, and not being sarcastic!
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I usually do that too. 🙂 but it was somehow lost in translation. I tried not to take it personally, as everyone has the right to follow who they like as well. Here’s another smiley face just in case! 🙂 🙂

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  5. Being a bit of a control freak I can only post on the same days of the week. It started nearly 10 years ago with Tuesdays and Fridays. Then I hit upon the idea of trivia, so that was Sunday’s post. Saturday’s were filled with my book. Now snippets of ‘On This Day in London’ are produced every day. Daily London Quotes ard on the horizon. I’m just running out of days! A word of warning though. I was persuaded to publish a huge number of ‘sponsored’ posts. Soon I was losing readers and getting complaints, saying I’d lost my way. So if you blog, be true to yourself, irrespective of how often you post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I post most days, and rarely miss one, as it is my hobby. I have never had a ‘sponsored post’, but I am always happy to feature a ‘guest post’ once I make sure that person is a genuine blogger.
      Best wishes, Pete.


  6. Key phrase: But it got much bigger than that, becoming a part of my life, rather than a reflection of it.

    I’ve been getting more and more followers at my blog, which has largely been neglected due to my focus on lyrics and fiction. But maybe people like following my blog for that very reason!

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  7. I started out – must try and blog at least once a month – now I’m doing three regular a week plus the occasional extra! Personally I think more than once a day would be too much, but who is to say? Most of us can’t keep up with every blog – just read ones you are interested in.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Interesting to look at stats once in a while—I never seem to get round to it. I’ve also stopped following people who post too often—I’ve taken them off my email list, because they clog up my inbox, but left them on the reader. Which I look at once in a while. It all depends on mood, really. There’s no rule.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No rules indeed, Marina.
      I am always very happy when you have time to read and comment on one of my posts. People are busy, and life has to come before blogging. I am lucky, as I have a lot of free time. But I am well-aware that most do not. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I stopped following people who post several each day as I couldn’t keep up with commenting. Now I just pop in to see their posts now and then. Of course you don’t have to read everything someone posts and a lot of blogs I follow are photography so not much reading involved. I am aware that with 3 blogs I post almost every day, occasionally twice a day if I am taking part in a challenge, but I shall reduce that in the coming months. I congratulate you on your 2000th post (albeit after the event). I’m not sure I am anywhere near that amount unless I had all my blog posts together!!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Pete, always interesting to look back and see how the numbers add up – I also had someone who responded to many of my early posts, then dropped off…they also took all of their social media private as well…not sure why, but that seems to happen: some lose interest, or simply don’t want to participate any longer…however, I also know that many many more follow, read, but never respond…they don’t want to publicly be part of this, just like to follow along…keep it up Pete, always a great read!

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Well done, Pete! I recall it was Jude some years ago while suggested I take a look at your blog…and I’m jolly glad she did! I like you.r diverse posts’ and the banter

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s been a long time coming, but like you, I had a limit to blogs I could follow ‘properly’. As some drop off, then I am able to follow ones that I have been wanting to. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. That is truly incredible: more than 2000 posts 😶😶 I have had my blog for almost two and a half years now and I am reaching the 500 posts mark now. I don’t really have a regular schedule to post either. This vacation I have posted more than normal but as I am going back to work next week I know I will have less time on my hands. It is hard to keep up sometimes with blogs, but that ‘s why I have now put up a limit to the ones that I follow. I make an occasional exception, but you can’t follow everyone. That said, I just love your blog and it has been a total joy following it all these months. I love the fact that it is so diverse: and I will continue to follow it as long as it is around. So congrats on this great achievement and happy blogging gor hopefully many more years to come!😊😊

    Liked by 3 people

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