100 A Day

No, this isn’t about cigarette consumption.

Recent weeks have seen me delving into the stats once again.

Despite the potential world-wide appeal of my blog, at least in places where English is spoken, visitors from America account for at least 100 more daily views than from anywhere else. Some days, that figure exceeds 150. On many occasions, it also exceeds the total from all the other countries combined.

Once again I have to conclude that I owe a debt of gratitude to my American followers and readers.

As always, you have my sincere thanks.

44 thoughts on “100 A Day

  1. Hey Pete, we’re happy to visit! I pay attention to the numbers too but not so much to where they’re from. So I just took a peek and found the majority of views to my blog this month are from the U.S.- as expected – with the UK next in line. So thanks for that. šŸ™‚ Number 3 spot goes to India and I admit that surprised me a bit.

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  2. I am intrigued by the list of countries where someone has read my blog. I printed a list out and shared it with my grandkids. We had a great time trying to find some countries on a map.

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  3. Aren’t they wonderful! I’m the same way in Canada (except tiny tiny stats comparatively lol) but US people are always by far the greatest number that visit my site too and I”m so grateful for them as well. Glad you are an American favorite – they have great taste!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Speaking for myself (it would be rather presumptuous to speak for others), I started following you because of the interesting topics you choose to write about combined with your eloquent words. So glad to have made your acquaintance, Pete. I guess you could call me a “Repeat” offender. (How’s that for an awful pun?)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. And we thank you. While Winston Churchill considered us two nations divided by a common language, we are actually divided by much more in common than only a language. there is also liberal-conservative politics to mention only one other. Warmest regards, Theo

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I looked back over mine and often more are from the UK, but on blog days it is often USA. For those of us on both sides of the Atlantic who have never crossed over, blogs are a great way to find out what real people’s lives are like.

    Liked by 1 person

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