Book Promotion Offer From Me

With so many people beavering away writing and publishing books during the long period of lockdown, I thought it was about time to offer another promotional opportunity on this blog.

If you follow my blog or follow me on Twitter, and have a book to promote, you can publicise it here, completely free of charge, with no strings. I don’t even want a free copy, how about that? It will be viewed by a potentially large audience, as well as being shared on Twitter. The post will not be taken down later, so will always be on this blog.

Send me the details, including a photo of the book cover, to
Add full buying links, and a personal bio and photo if you want one to appear.
Either a synopsis or a blurb would help too of course.

You get full credit, and no editing of your promotional post. It will appear here as ‘Blogger’s Books: + your name’.

I have a great bunch of readers from all around the world, so if your book has been translated, or is in a foreign language, that doesn’t matter.

Bloggers love to read, and they like to buy books, or get free copies when available. They also review them, which is a great help to authors.

Each person sending me their book to promote will be featured separately, so no need to worry about being compared to anyone else. I don’t care what genre your book is in, but if it contains ‘Adult Content’, then please add that disclaimer. Only one book photo and one author photo per post please.

Off you go!

54 thoughts on “Book Promotion Offer From Me

    1. That’s fine, Maryanne. I will be posting them up in order of receipt, and there are some in front of you already. Also remember we don’t have Barnes and Noble in Europe, so perhaps add some online buying links as well. (Around 60% of my followers are in America though.)
      Best wishes, Pete.


    1. Thanks, Liz. I will get to that after the dog walk, and it will be published some time tomorrow. I will let you know by email when it it posted so you can share it around. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

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