Not Posting Much

Julie has a week off work this week. Today we went to Pensthorpe Wetlands Country Park in Fakenham.

Front Page

We are out again tomorrow, and on Thursday too.

So you are getting a break from my posts. And I am sure that some of you will welcome that, as I am aware that I often post too much.

Back soon, with much more of the same old stuff.

44 thoughts on “Not Posting Much

  1. I hope you and Julie have a wonderful time together!!!

    On another note, I put out a post yesterday (Wednesday) asking my readers if any of them were experiencing problems similar to the ones you’ve been having accessing my posts. To date, none have … out of the 17 readers who responded with a comment, none have any problems. I’m not sure now what to do next. Maybe if you unfollow me, wait an hour or two, then follow again? That might resolve it. I’m sorry … I wish I had an answer for you! Know, though, that I very much appreciate the extra time you take to view my posts … that means a lot to me, and I really hope we can figure this out! Now go enjoy your time with Julie!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. And she raised her hands to the heavens, closed her eyes saying, most fervently, “Brothers and Sisters, can I get an Amen!” “Amen…” “Louder. You got to BEE-LEEVE it!” “AMEN” “Thank you. Now put your hands together for Brother Sam leadin’ us in Cain’t Steal Mah Joy!!!”

      Liked by 2 people

          1. I hope it won’t be that hard on him eventually. Oreo’s pups come in four fur colors, one is black like him which obviously looks a poodle, another is off white and the two have coffee fur and light brown, three males and one female. The three are definitely shih tzu in looks.

            Liked by 1 person

  2. About time Julie did a a post “A week in the life of Pete”.
    Are these wetlands part of the Norfolk Broads I have heard about. Is Norfolk below sea level?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. No Pensthorpe is nowhere near the Broads, Gavin. It is a Nature Reserve with a man-made constructed wetland area and lakes to attract birds of all kinds. It is around 30 miles west of the Norfolk Broads.
      Norfolk is not below sea level, as the coast is higher. But is is in danger of easily being swamped by increases in sea level by 2050. Maybe not as far west as Beetley though. 🙂
      Cheers, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Pensthorpe wetlands looks amazing from what I’ve seen on TV. I hope you have taken lots of photos and will write about your trips next week. Lots of great places for day trips in Norfolk. Enjoy! (and I hope it stays dry, we have a lot of rain in the forecast)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I took a lot of photos today, but the light was dismal, despite no rain. I played around with exp/comp, but they were below average. I will post some of the best ones later this week.
      The Flamingos (60 of them) were great to see, and we managed to see some Cranes from inside a hide. Both the Cranes and the Flamingos had chicks! .
      Best wishes, Pete. x

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