Something I Just Discovered

For someone who spends a lot of time looking at Stats on my blog, (6002 posts since I started in 2012, for example) I definitely took my eye off the ball earlier this year.

Something on my Admin page caught my eye today, and I chuckled to myself for not noticing it previously. On the right hand side of the page, below the boxes for ‘Save Draft’ and ‘Preview’, I saw this.

‘Twitter is not supported anymore’

My main reason for being on Twitter (or X if you prefer) is to publicise my blog posts. At first that was my only reason, but over the years I have followed other people on Twitter, especially many of my followers who are on that platform.

Clicking the link below that line to find out more, I was shocked to discover that WordPress has not been automatically sharing my posts on Twitter since May 2023, and will not be doing so in the future. Part of the reason I was unaware of this is that I do not look at my own Twitter profile, so I had not noticed that my posts were not being tweeted.

So for anyone else who didn’t know this, you do now.

You can of course share your own post on Twitter by clicking on the box once it is published. That’s what I will be doing in future. Probably.

49 thoughts on “Something I Just Discovered

    1. I usually just look at the notifications, and re-tweet posts of other followers or people I follow. I never saw the need to regularly view my own profile. (Until now.)
      Best wishes, Pete.


  1. I think I received an email about it, but I did notice it, and I’ve been sharing my own blog. In my case, as I only blog once a week, it isn’t much of a task, but X is not doing people any favours (for me, it will be Twitter, no matter what). Thanks, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Since I abandoned the Twitter ship when Musk took over and let Trump back in, I hadn’t paid any attention. While I often do battle with WordPress, I have to give them a thumbs-up for this one … Twitter just … ain’t what it used to be!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Not only that, but he seems to encourage disinformation, conspiracies, and lies, and from what I’ve heard, controls what one sees. I think he wasted a bundle of money when he bought Twitter, especially if all he was going to do was destroy it.

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  3. Pete, every blog post I write states that Twitter is no longer supported, meaning as soon as I click ‘post’, I understand nothing goes to Twitter. You don’t get the red bar telling you this when you are ready to post? I’m still a die-hard classic user, not a block user. Maybe this isn’t clear for block users? But, I thought you were a classic user.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. X-twitter is a bit of a mess. Full of ads for stupid gadgets and despite Elon’s claim of cracking down on bots, I still get followed every day from lovely ladies such a rebecca3918576. I find the engagement is dwindling as well.

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  5. I think the fact it wasn’t sharing and that was so easily overlooked proves Twitter or ‘X’ is really at the ‘take it or leave it’ mark. Personally I don’t mind the occasional scroll, but it wouldn’t bother me if it disappeared tomorrow. Best way to be, I’d say?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I feel much the same as you, Helen. If it disappeared, I wouldn’t lose any sleep. My main interest was the fact that I had completely missed the notification.
      Best wishes, Pete.


  6. Pete, I discovered this when the link on my page just shows the X and “nothing yet”…twitter changed their name, their attitude and their friendliness to all of us, so now I share your stuff there manually, along with many other bloggers…

    Liked by 1 person

  7. As I’ve written, a Twitter Daily London Trivia was featured on my sidebar, until Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter. I now use Google’s Calendar, but I’ve had problems with uploading too many pieces if trivia. As for uploading WordPress posts on Twitter I’ll occasionally remember, and thanks again Pete for your retweets (or should that be re-X)

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  8. Listen carefully — If Twitter X is no longer supporting your blog autoomatically, you can go to your Twitter Xaccount and look for the question, “What Is Happening” and you can post the url of the blog post you want to advertise. To post the blog post you want to advertise on X you first need to copy it and then paste it into the “What Is Happening” thing on Twitter. I tried it this morning and it works like a charm.

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  9. Yep WP sent out a notification that Elon Musk wants to charge them money for that automatic share facility, so they decided to axe it rather than feed his coffers. Good for them I say!

    Liked by 1 person

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