Thinking Aloud On a Sunday

Had enough.

I woke up early with painful leg cramp this morning, and couldn’t get back to sleep. It is a warm and sunny day, but I couldn’t care less.

I am moany, grumpy, and fed up to my back teeth.

Still tired and sleepy, despite twice as much sleep as normal. Exhausted from doing very little, and zero enthusiasm to do more.

The PC and keyboard problems are stopping me being able to comfortably write my serial, so by the time that is back again, I expect everyone will have lost track of it.

And to add to that, my comments are failing to appear on at least a dozen sites.

I should be excited about a new computer arriving next week, but I’m not in the least. More tech to struggle with, at a time when I feel little inclination to do anything of the kind.

I have a noise in my left ear that sounds like the tide coming in, and a niggling headache that won’t seem to go away.

Fed up doesn’t even begin to cover it.

I have had enough.

Sorry, but all that just had to come out.

97 thoughts on “Thinking Aloud On a Sunday

  1. I think the fact that I was doing the course and I’ve been busy (I will finish on Thursday) has helped me no end, even with the added problems and anxieties. Still more lockdown to come, but, at least here, the numbers are looking slightly better, but I hope things do improve there soon and things look up (even if just slightly) for you. Take care.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The good news is that when you feel in this kind of funk, it is typically gone in a few days. The only way ahead is up. That always makes me feel better when I get like that. You’re not alone. Best to you, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I think that even though these things are not directly related to COVID-19, our tolerance for other matters is affected as well. I haven’t felt like writing much lately because most of the things I enjoy doing aren’t there. I miss going to the gym, hugging my friends, sharing a beer with a buddy, watching sports, and meeting with my writing group. These are minor sacrifices in the grand scheme of things, and I know things will eventually get back to normal, but I miss people.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Other than my wife and some dog-walkers, I rarely interact with people, so that part of life has not changed for me. One of the reasons I moved to the countryside after 60 years in London was to get away from being around so many people. My current mood started with the inexplicable tiredness, and that was exacerbated by all the tech prblems that interfered with blogging and writing.
      Thanks, Pete.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Summer is coming Pete, and although the weather is not always the best, at least you will have a new computer to play with, stick with mate

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Go out back, take the hose, turn the water on and stand under it – cool off and get out of the pits – we have a long way to go.
    Especially since I saw way too many people in a UK park – way too close to each other and not one mask or pair of gloves among them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, people in large towns and cities are being very stupid. Here in Beetley it is exceptionally quiet.
      My mood has more to do with a week of tech hassles, rather than virus stress, but I appreciate your tip. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. You’re in a funk. Sounds like there is a thread of depression running through it. I’m sorry. The clouds will break. And the sun will come out. Keep moving, as much as you can bear. One foot in front of the other. Thinking of you.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I also wrote a bit of a moanie post today, Pete. Mine was about togetherness. I am a bit over togetherness and feel like I don’t get a minutes peace from someone in my family wanting something or complaining about something. They are even getting up earlier and intruding on my blogging time. So there we go, we are all taking strain.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I have nothing to complain about really, Robbie. I am aware that my life is so much easier than it is for most people. But when you wake up in a mood like this, it is hard to rationalise all that.
      Best wishes, Pete.


  8. I am sorry, Pete. Out of sorts and grumpy. I hope the mood passes quickly. A break from your environment might be helpful. A drive in the country looking at spring unfolding might shake up your head and heart.

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  9. Always let your feelings and thoughts, even and especially the grumpy ones, come out, Pete. In my experience, that helps. As we say in German, “Geteiltes Leid ist halbes Leid, geteilte Freude ist doppelte Freude” [shared sorrows are halved, shared joy is doubled].
    Take care, my friend, and stay healthy,

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I think we’re all pretty fed up at the moment, but Sam and I took stock today of what we do have, especially a nice garden to sit in and country lanes to cycle or walk around. There’s always somebody worse off; sitting in a cramped flat with screaming kids who have cabin fever…

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  10. “Mama said there’d be days like this”. Hope you feel better and can shake off your tech troubles. They are so annoying especially when you have a story in progress.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Any moment can be precious!
    Treasure it for it may not come again
    Transient – ephemeral – a shooting star – a will o’ the wisp!

    Today – Palm Sunday – a blackbird dives for a worm, pigeons croon,
    A spider strands her dew-laden web, clouds build their grey blanket
    Warming the cooling earth, bulbs hide their silent piercing shoots…
    I sip my morning cup of tea, relax and ponder…
    There’s the green and cream foundation of a ribbon-plant arching on the table.
    Yesterday an old photo of a loved one found in my bureau
    A faded birthday card sheltering in the depths of a drawer.
    Then all the human moments – an unexpected gift, the welcome phone call,
    The friendly wave, an offer of help, a quiet smile.

    Though I have problems – hearing aid, glasses, arm bandage,
    Stiff fingers, achy limbs, I yetshave so many gifts.
    I can hear the glory and grace and joy of music,
    See bright flowers, smell the roses, taste sweet pink raspberries,
    Type and email my friends, write a poem,
    Reach out around the world by today’s miraculous web.

    And a safe place to isolate myself at this hard time ….

    Deidre Baker
    5 April 2020.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Must be something about today, I’ve been keeping as upbeat as I can, by connecting to my friends through video, but today I just want to see real people…well, I can’t. So put up and shut up….

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      1. Well, I’m fine most days, and don’t think about worst case, other than to make sure I’m sensible… is the last place I want to be in

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  13. It’s good to have a moan and a rant – relieves the pressure. I’m glad you have a nice sunny day. That might help when you are out with Ollie. It’s grey here – not what we were promised.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I tried so hard to stay upbeat with all the technical issues. But waking up early this morning just made it all flop over me like a heavy blanket.
      Let’s hope we all manage to cheer up soon. This mood is far from good for us.
      Take care, and best wishes.
      Pete. x

      Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s not the lockdown or virus. Just an accumulation of tech annoyance, and not getting the 12 hours sleep I have become used to. 🙂
      I feel like wandering off with Ollie, and just keep walking.
      Thanks, FR.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I don’t ‘like’ what you said, obviously, just the fact that you replied 😉 We don’t have the option of other emojis on the desktop version unfortunately, like the Facebook ones. All good wishes, Jon.

        Liked by 1 person

  14. So sorry Pete. I understand. I often feel that way too. I guess it will pass but this bloody climate at the moment is pissing everyone off. I am struggling too – find a way of getting through, then the next day it fails me and doesn’t work any more. Moan away. It might help a bit. Sending love xx

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Thanks for sharing and I hope you feel better soon. The only way I keep sane is by writing so don’t leave your serial. use paper. We both keep falling asleep during the day. I suppose it is lack of exercise. I have a new watch that tells me how many steps I have done. One is supposed to do ten thousand a day. Yesterday I did 600!
    Now to go and cook some fish for the dog. He was sick yesterday. I think he eats too quick although it might be his kidney problem. He needs a hair cut but he’ll have to wait, like the rest of us.
    Best Wishes, Julie.

    Liked by 3 people

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