Can You Hear The Fat Lady Singing?

If you can, then that means it is all over…

After a few short hours with the Block Editor, WordPress has finally driven me away from blogging. It has been a truly wonderful eight years, and I value the cherished friendships I have made.

Everyone can still contact me. You can find out how Ollie is doing, whether or not I am still alive if I don’t reply, and even if you want to know if it is raining in Beetley. (It is…)

But I really don’t need the stress and irritation of more learning curves and general annoyance. I have run my course, and enjoyed the race.

Good luck, and best wishes to everyone. Here are two email addresses you can contact me on. I will definitely reply to anyone.

Stay well, wear a mask, and don’t vote for Trump Or Boris.

Love to you all, and goodbye. Pete. x

121 thoughts on “Can You Hear The Fat Lady Singing?

    1. I have updated since, as I found a way back to the old editor and can carry on using that. I am currently locked out of Twitter. They want to send a security code to my mobile phone, and my phone has broken and been sent back to the company!
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. If this method works for you, I’ll do a happy dance. (Actually, I’ll allow my underpaid flunkies to exert that energy, but it’s the thought that should count.) However, if you find you are still having problems. I spent last night cracking different shortcuts to get back to classic editor. I guess I’ll know the answer to this if you maintain silence. (In which case I’ll have to sue for royalties since extended disappearances are my trademark.) – Erik Weisz

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    1. I was sent tow good tips today to rteain the old editor unti 2023. If they work as well as a trial I did, I will be back in business without the BE. But any emails are always welcome. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete. x

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Awwww I loved reading your blogs Pete. I will surely miss Ollie, cute little star he is. Wishing you all the very best and hope to read your book soon (I do hope you will write and publish it) Lots of love and hugs from New Zealand💞

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  3. Damn WP. I was disillusioned with blogging long ago, but this corporate disdain for (it seems) the majority of users’ convenience and preference after offering a creative platform for even the poorest or least confident of us is despicable.
    No intention of voting Johnson or Trump.
    Best wishes always to Ollie and his humans.XX

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    1. Hi, Pippa. I still despise WordPress, but someone sent me a really easy tip today, and it worked. if I can get that to carry on working, I will stay blogging for as long as i can.
      Best wishes, Pete. xx


  4. Pete, as you may remember, I’ve left WordPress too, only to come back a month or two later. I came back because I missed it. I missed communicating with friends, but mostly, I missed the outlet of expression…to write and to be read. If I may be so bold, that’s you too, Pete. You are a writer that needs to be read. You are an artist. You won’t be depriving us of your friendship–thank goodness–but you will be depriving us of your art. And I hate that. I really do. I hope you will hate it too–and bring your art back to us.

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    1. Thanks, Pam. Since writing this, I have been sent a really good tip by someone. I did a trial, and it let me use the old original editor for a test post. So if that carries on working and I don’t have to struggle with the block editor, I will return at some stage.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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    1. I have had a bad year with tech. First the old PC, then the new laptop that I ended up giving away, then the phone, and now the Block Editor. I was sent a good tip today, and it worked on a trial post. If it carries on working, I may be back to blogging soon.
      Best wishes, Pete.


      1. 😢 I know the frustration of having to deal with new technology. Been there too many times. I just wish it wasn’t killing the best bloggers. I will miss you. The days you were out on vacation, my Inbox and life felt rather empty. I have come to think of you as a friend and it is always painful to part. If you are on facebook, you can find me at, though I admit, I am not a regular. Please mail me whenever you feel up to it. I will stay in touch too. Take care. Give my love to Julie and Oliie

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I am sorry to hear this, but I do understand. WP changes is one reason I am planning to stop soon, after I finish off with Smitty posts. Drop by Pacific Paratrooper now and then and keep in touch. You’ll be missed.

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      1. If you see my comment on her post, Shaily, it only worked for me once, then it wouldn’t allow anything but blocks. I might have done something wrong, but I haven’t got the patience with it at the moment.
        Best wishes, Pete.


  6. Oh Pete. I can’t tell you how upset I am. I completely understand of course, but selfishly speaking that doesn’t lessen to pain of losing you. Although we’ve never met in person I’ve come to consider you a friend. I look forward to reading your posts everyday, whether it’s a story about Ollie, Beetley, the annoying weather in England, your travels, or one of your phenomenal serials. You have been an invaluable and unflaggingly supportive member of the blogging community, and you will be sorely missed.😰

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    1. Thanks, Maddy. I have been sent some very useful tips about how to keep the old editor. I don’t feel well enough to try them at the moment, but maybe some other time. I just want blogging to be enjoyable, not a chore.
      Best wishes, Pete/

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Very sorry to see you go, Pete, but I completely understand, and I’ve enjoyed your content hitherto. I did come across an alternative blogging platform I thought might interest you, but it would involve using DropBox or another similar app, plus RSS for people to follow you, so in the end I decided you might think it too much faff. I will contact you by email if anything interesting comes up. Cheers, and all the best, Jon.

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    1. Thanks for thinking of me, Jon. I need a soft-tech alternative, and I don’t think one exists. When I am no longer paying WP for a plan, I may explore having my own site instead.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  8. I sympathise. The block editor may suit some people but for those like you and me it is worse than useless. The good news is that you don’t have to use it. The Classic Editor is still available. I know because I use it exclusively.

    The only question is how to access it. I think this depends to some extent on the theme you are using. I have two blogs that are slighhtly different in this respect. So here’s something to try:

    1. Open the editor to start a new post;
    2. Type just the title of the post;
    3. Click “Save to draft” and close the edit;
    4. On the Dashboard, click Posts > All posts;
    5. Your started post will show at the top of the list as a draft and underneath it is a list of actions, including “Classic Editor” (out your mouse pointer on the title to reveal these actions);
    6. Click “Classic Editor” and away you go!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks for your tip. I played around with accessing the Classic editor various ways yesterday. Then I just had the revelation that I no longer needed or wanted to play by the rules of WP, which will undoubtedly change again soon anyway.
      Best wishes, Pete.


  9. I haven’t known you as long as many of the other folks here, Pete, but I’m sorry to see you go. Thank you for making my introduction to blogging a good experience. Much luck to you and your wife. (Of course, to Ollie, too.)

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  10. Well, there’s a first time for everything I guess, and that’s not giving this post a like😢 Because really, there is nothing to like about it. I’m really going to miss you. Your posts have always been a pleasure to read, and to see you disappear like this because of the blog editor, it makes me very sad😔 I really wish you all the best, and am not saying goodbye as I will keep in touch. And I’m going to work on making a tutorial for you in order to get you back here. If I, a total noob in computer stuff can do it, so can you Pete! I guarantee it.

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    1. It’s no longer a case of whether or not I can do it, Michel. It’s whether or not I can be bothered to learn all over again, and then adapt to the other changes that will undoubtedly appear in the future. I once knew a woman who failed her driving test 8 times. We all asked her why, as we could all drive, and found it simple. She shrugged and said, “Because I just don’t get it”. That’s me with Tech.
      I will still be around on your blog.
      Best wishes, Pete.


      1. Hi Pete, I have sent you two emails! One is help with the new editor, but the second one is probably more helpful as I have found a way for you to access the old editor😀😀 I hope that last one will be more helpful! 😊😊😊

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  11. “Say it ain’t so, Joe” is what come to mind. Oh, Pete… loosing you as a blogger is very, very sad. You have been a dear friend on WP, more than you know. I will keep in touch via emailing. This whole thing for many has been awful. My heart aches.

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    1. I will still be reading your posts, Jennie. Blogging was a joy to me, but it took me a long time to learn to do it properly, and instinctively. I don’t want to have to start again from day one, and struggle with what seems to be constantly changing technology and rules. A hobby should not be a chore, and when it becomes one it is no longer enjoyable.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 2 people

  12. It’s been an honor to know you; even if for only 9 months. Farewell Pete. And I heed your voting advice and agree. Give Ollie a hug. I have your email. Be blessed sir. You’re a great man indeed.

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  13. I will truly miss your posts, your stories, your tales of Ollie, and life in Beetley Pete. You were the first person who welcomed me on WP and graciously allowed me to guest post on your popular site. You have been so generous to your fellow bloggers and it is because of you that there is such a supportive culture in the blogging community. Keep in touch Pete, wishing you all my best, Cheryl

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  14. I have been felt this coming for weeks now and I will sincerely miss you. You extended such kindness to me and Melissa and your presence will be sorely missed.

    Did you get Twitter sorted? I may already be following you there.

    I will keep your email addresses and pop in to say hello from time to time. I hope it doesn’t rain too much in beetle and that you, Julie and Ollie all stay well.

    This is a sad day in blog land, Pete.

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    1. Thanks, Maggie. No, I cannot sort Twitter until my phone is working, and that has been sent away to be fixed. I am so worn out with all this Tech stuff, I really don’t need blogging and social media to be a chore, when it used to be fun and enjoyable.
      I am still following your blog, and Melissa’s too.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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    1. That may be, Bobby. But I am not enjoying strugling with trying to post now, and don’t see why I should make myself angry because of an unnecessary change of rules by WordPress. I’m not the right age for frustration and temoper now, it doesn’t do me any good.
      Cheers, Pete.


  15. We love you Pete. And Ollie too. Adieu good friend. I hope to email you every now and then. I will miss so much hearing about Beetley. Take very good care of yoyrself, and Julie, and Ollie. How about trying to get some of those great stories published. I have news on the oublishing front for mtself yahooo. But will email you with the good news. Love you Pete.
    Lorraine xxx

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Aww Pete. Thankyou. I don’t want to say anything publicly yet. But I am about to bemoublished – fuve poems f mine in an Anthology due to come out on 31st. October. Iwill tell you more privately. Though it will be made public soon 😊

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  16. Scheisse! I’m all for leaving on a high note. All things must come to an end. Yada, yada.
    I feel a sincere loss!
    I hope you find another enjoyable avocation to keep your mind busy and your creative juices flowing.
    With much affection to you! xx Cindy

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  17. Yes, sorry to say I heard the fat lady singing in your earlier posts. We’ll miss your daily blogging presence Pete. Thanks for your kind words and your parting advice which will definitely be observed. Goodbye, and good luck to you and yours. Stay safe.

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  18. This is just adios and not goodbye
    Soon Pete will return
    Bringing you all the posts his account can hold
    Please say “Yes, yes!”
    Say you and your WordPress posts will be there for me

    (No, this is not related to “Spanish Eyes.”)

    Liked by 4 people

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