Very Tired

I suspect it is the hot weather recently, or the birds waking me up at first light. But lately I have been very tired by 10pm, and going to bed even earlier than that.

This means that I might miss some of your posts because of time differences, but I will catch up when I can, promise.

It is only 7pm here, and I have not even eaten dinner. But it already feels like midnight, so I will be offline soon, and preparing for bed before it even gets dark.

I hope it is just the season, and nothing sinister.

51 thoughts on “Very Tired

  1. The heat has given me headaches, and that combined with the cold from the air conditioning at a friend’s house means I’m feeling pretty tired as well. I think we don’t sleep that well in the heat in most cases, so not surprised you’re feeling tired. The hay fever tablets are also likely culprits. Take it easy, Pete.

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  2. I’m naturally an early to bed, early to riser, but I say go with what your body is telling you to do and don’t worry. it must need it, perhaps to adjust to your weather as you suggested

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Beth., It is around 10-15 degrees hotter than is normal here in June. We usually get something like 70F, but is has been between 80F and up to 90F for quite some time now.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Totally understand! I’ve been really tired too, though there’s no way to blame it on the heat here which has only recently turned decent. For me I think it’s been too much activity lately! Rest up and take care, Pete.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. It’s been stifling hot here in California, I’m a total dishrag, and have no energy past 9:00 pm! But I am 62! Hang in there Pete, the beauty about retirement is I don’t have to be anywhere! Hugs, C

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  5. The heat does zap your energy and is probably what is going on. You take care of yourself and just listen to your body, get that extra sleep if it feels it needs it. Summers are always hard on me too because I feel like the minute it is too hot, I loose all my energy. Take care!

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  6. Having resisted the use of A/C for several days in a row here in Las Vegas (yesterday’s high was 101° F / 38° C), I can tell you that heat wears you out. I went to bed last night around 9:30, and didn’t wake up this morning until after 7:00. Today, we’re getting a break: 95° F / 35° C, so the A/C will again collect dust. But tomorrow and thereafter is a different story…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, GP. I have had to have shorter walks because Ollie gets too hot. But I have realised it is the Hay Fever tablets I have been taking lately. I’m sure it is those making me so sleepy.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 2 people

  7. I go to bed before 10 every night. Usually I am sleeping by 8:30. I get up around 4 or 5am though. I wonder if your so tired because you have been worrying over your drivers license? Could also be the weather. Anyway hope its nothing to worry about and things get back to normal soon.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks, Christina. I have realised it is probably the antihistamine tablets I have been taking for Hay Fever. They are supposed to be non-drowsy, but they are definitely making me sleepy.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

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